Registration is now open for the 2014 Asilomar conference of the American 
Society of Naturalists.   
To register, visit:
Lodging must be booked separately:

Seating for this conference is limited to 200 people due to meeting space 
constraints, so we expect 
the conference will fill up completely. We therefore encourage potential 
attendees to register shortly 
after the registration period opens.

The American Society of Naturalists will be holding a small independent meeting 
at the Asilomar 
Conference Center on the Monterey Peninsula in coastal California, January 
13-15, 2014.  The goal 
of the meeting is to promote integration between evolution and ecology by 
attracting a more diverse 
community of biologists than typically attend the evolution meetings held 
jointly each summer by 
ASN, SSE, and SSB. Note that ASN will continue to meet jointly with SSE and SSB 
for the evolution 
meeting in the summer.

Information about the conference can be found on the conference website:
including a general schedule and information about three afternoon symposia and 
evening events.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Dan Bolnick
Past Secretary, ASN

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