Dear Colleagues,

This is a reminder of the following session at the American Geophysical
Union (AGU) fall meeting in San Francisco. We would like to bring this
session to your attention:

*B041. Mechanistic representations of the temperature sensitivity of soil
organic matter 

We encourage you to consider submitting your abstract to this exciting
session. Please distribute this notice as you see fit.

*Confirmed Invited Speakers:*
 Eric Davidson, Woods Hole Research Center

Jean-François (Jeff) Exbrayat, Climate Change Research Centre, University
of New South  Wales, Sydney, Australia

Jinyun Tang, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The temperature sensitivity of decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM)
is uncertain, yet critical for accurate climate prediction. SOM
decomposition depends on various interacting processes (e.g., microbial
activity, surface interactions, aggregation, and input C and SOM
chemistry), all of which depend differently on temperature. We invite
presentations evaluating the effects of temperature on the biogeochemical
cycling of carbon, focusing on (1) How do these processes vary with depth?
(2) What are the impacts of abiotic controls? (3) How do we best model all
these interactions to estimate overall temperature sensitivity? (4) What
are the required observations to develop and test models?

Dipankar Dwivedi, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Bhavna Arora, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
William Riley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Best regards,

Dipankar Dwivedi

Postdoc Fellow
Climate Sciences Department
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Cyclotron Road
Building 84-117
Berkeley, CA, 94720-0001

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