
I was just contacted by Jim Luken, who was my predecessor at NKU and is now at 
Coastal Carolina University. He and John Thieret published a paper in Sida 
(Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii: Caprifoliaceae): its ascent, decline, and 
fall, vol. 16 (3) pp. 479-503, 1995). Here's the relevant paragraph from the 

"Authorship of the binomial Lonicera maackii has been controversial. Most 
authors cite Maximowicz [abbreviated as Maxim.] as having made the combination 
Lonicera maackii in Primitae florae Amurensis (Maximowicz 1859), but he did not 
validly publish such a new combination there. The binomial Lonicera maackii 
(Rupr.) Herder was validly published in 1864 (Herder 1864)."

John Thieret is now deceased, so I can't ask him what "validly published" 
means, and both Jim and I are mere ecologists. But apparently Maximowicz did 
not follow the recognized procedures for naming a species, and thus Herder is 
the right authority. Jim said that this paper in Sida established Herder as the 
proper authority.

Here are the references for the two papers:
Herder, F.v. 1864. Plantae Raddeanae monopetalae. Die Monopetalen Ostsibiriens. 
Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturistes Moscou 37(1):190-235.

Maximowicz, C.J. 1859. Primitiae florae Amurensis. Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. 
Pétersbourg Divers Savants 9:1-504. 10 pls. (Reprint 1859 by Kaiserliche 
Akademie der Wissenschaften, Saint Petersburg.)

So, it sounds like the proper way to refer to this species is Lonicera maackii 
(Rupr.) Herder.


Date:    Thu, 10 Oct 2013 13:49:03 +0000
From:    Richard Boyce <<>>
Subject: Correct authority for Lonicera maackii?


Much of my research is based on Amur honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii. Recentl=
y, I've been questioned regarding the correct authority for this species. I=
've seen both (Rupr.) Maxim and (Rupr.) Herder. US government sites seem to=
all use (Rupr.) Herder (you'll have to take my word for this, because they=
are currently shut down!), as does the International Plant Names Index. Wi=
kipedia actually has a discussion on this topic and comes down for (Rupr.) =
Maxim. It would be great if we could cite Flora of North America, but they =
haven't gotten to Caprifoliaceace yet.

Can any of you taxonomically-inclined plant ecologists straighten me out on=

Thanks, Rick

Richard L. Boyce, Ph.D.
Director, Environmental Science Program
Department of Biological Sciences, SC 150
Northern Kentucky University
Nunn Drive
Highland Heights, KY  41099  USA

859-572-1407 (tel.)
859-572-5639 (fax)<>

"One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making 
exciting discoveries." - A.A. Milne

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