Postdoctoral Position -- Plant-herbivore and predator-prey interactions:

The Thaler lab in the Department of Entomology at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY is seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher to participate in research in the area of non-consumptive interactions between predators and prey. Our lab combines field-scale experiments with laboratory behavioral and chemical assays to determine the mechanisms of species interactions. The postdoc will oversee research investigating how plant resistance and variation in the predator community influence the strength of non-consumptive effects of predators on pests. Previous field and lab experience in one or more of the following fields is essential: population/community ecology, entomology, chemical or molecular ecology, insect physiology or insect behavior. Development of related, independent research by the postdoc is encouraged.

The start date is flexible between May and September 2014. The position is available for two years subject to review after one year.

Applicants should send a cover letter with a statement of research interests, a CV, names and email addresses of 3 references, and copies of up to 3 relevant publications by email (one PDF file) to Dr. Jennifer Thaler ( Please let me know if you are attending the Entomological Society of America meeting in Austin.

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Cornell University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Grant Project Summary:
A central goal for modern agriculture is to increase the success of insect biological control. A profound result of the last 20 years is that over 50% of the effect of predators on prey is through changes in prey behavior and development (not consumption!) in response to predation risk. In the course of studying non-consumptive effects of a native stink bug predator we discovered that its prey dramatically reduces feeding to avoid predation, but is able to maintain growth. This finding presents an important question and a challenge: The question, from the herbivore's perspective, is under what conditions can the herbivore compensate for reductions in feeding and what are the costs of this compensation? The challenge however, is: How can we manipulate conditions to reduce prey compensatory ability and maximize the costs of predator exposure to maximize both the consumptive and non-consumptive effect of predators? Studying Colorado potato beetles, a major pest of potatoes, we will measure how plant resistance and temporal variation in predator presence affect the non-consumptive and total effect of the stink bug predator on the beetle life time fitness and plant damage including effects on the next generation that is not exposed to predation. We will measure physiological, behavioral and developmental mechanisms by which beetle larvae compensate for responses to predation risk and how these contribute to fitness in the presence of additional stresses.

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