A Herpdigest Special Issue- 11/20/13 A Primer on Ranavirus
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Please send all questions or correspondence to the author Dave Lee Dave Lee,
If you are a turtle, a frog or even a tadpole you need to read this—
                It’s really scary! A Primer on Ranaviruses.

                          David S. Lee, The Tortoise Reserve

      Forget vampires and zombies there is a real cold-blooded killer out
there, it’s a pathogen named Ranavirus. As the label implies it is not
exactly frog friendly, but it also causes illness and death in salamanders,
reptiles and fish. This virus is now found worldwide. Transmission is rapid
and can result from either direct or indirect contact with infected animals.
The virus enters cells of the host and takes over the cell processes for its
own replication. Ranaviruses can infect multiple cell types and cell death
can occur in as little as 9 hours, quickly leading to loss of organ
function. Susceptibility varies with species. In some frogs, for example,
mortality can result in just 3 days. Experiments done on infected and
uninfected salamanders showed the virus could be transmitted when the
salamanders were in contact for as little as 1 second. Exposure to water or
soil contaminated with Ranavirus can also result in disease. 

History and background

     Ranaviruses are believed to have evolved in fish and only later began
to infect amphibians and reptiles (Jancovich et al 2010). It was first
reported from amphibians in the 1960’s in a population of northern leopard
frogs, Lithobates pipiens (Granoff, et al. 1965), yet the impact of
widespread virus related die-offs was not recognized until the 1990’s.
Research experiments demonstrate that the virus can be transmitted within
and between three of the higher classes of vertebrates. 

     Since the mid-1990’s Ranavirus has been taking a devastating toll on
native populations of reptiles and amphibians across the U.S. Especially
hard hit are frogs, toads, salamanders and their larvae, as well as turtles.
Hundreds of thousands of these animals have died from the lethal virus and
the disease continues to spread. The cause of the sudden appearance of a
global plague from this pathogen is uncertain, but possibilities include
trade in food and ornamental fish, reptiles, amphibians, and/or its
emergence from unknown reservoir hosts resulting from changes in the

     Ranavirus has been documented as being responsible for amphibian
die-offs, some of them massive events, in over 20 states. To date over 85
species of turtles and amphibians have been involved with the die-offs where
mortality can range from a few individuals to thousands. In some cases where
amphibian breeding sites support a number of frogs and/or salamanders the
die-offs involve multiple species. Ninety-four percent of the known cases of
Ranavirus have been reported since 1998. While to some degree this
represents a growing awareness of the problem, this figure strongly suggest
that the virus is becoming more common and widespread. 
    Die-offs of amphibians have been reported on private, state and federal
lands, including several national parks and wildlife refuges. To date, most
of the species involved are relatively common and widespread, but the virus
has caused problems for populations of threatened and endangered species.
The reasons for the emergence of Ranavirus in wild populations vary from
site to site. Often there are stress related elements, man-made or natural,
associated with outbreaks. Disturbance of the site and/or pollution are
important but not necessarily required factors. The virus exists in aquatic
habitats: ponds, lakes, permanent wetlands and vernal amphibian breeding
sites. Turtles and breeding adult amphibians moving into recently flooded
wetlands are likely carriers of the disease. A common factor in Ranavirus
outbreaks is the rapid drying of wetlands. This apparently results because
it concentrates turtles and amphibians and accelerates metamorphosis. The
immune system of amphibians is suppressed during transformation to the adult
stage, increasing the chance of pathogen infections, and disease. 

     Ranaviruses are members of the Iridoviridae, a group of double stranded
DNA viruses. There are six recognized species and numerous strains, however
in North America viruses related to the Ambystoma tigrinum virus (ATV) and
Frog virus 3 (FV3) appear to be the most important to reptiles and
amphibians. The Bohle iridovirus (BIV) from Australia is also of concern.
Some ranaviruses may be able to infect animals from more than one class
(e.g. amphibians, reptiles, and fish). The incubation period is variable- 5
days to several weeks. The virus was identified in skin, intestines and
kidneys of African clawed frogs, Xenopus lavis, within 3 hours of
introducing them to infected water (Robert et al. 2011). Ambient
temperatures, dose of virus exposure, immunosuppression, the host’s
developmental stage, and species differences in susceptibility to various
Ranavirus strains probably affect infection timing. Ranaviruses replicate at
temperatures between 12 and 32 C, because of this, birds and mammals are not
suitable hosts (Chinchar 2002). The virus can remain viable in frozen fish
for over 2 years (Langdon1989).

     Three genera of viruses of the family Iridoviridae affect fish.
Ranaviruses and Megalocytiviruses are pathogens that have recently appeared.
Both types cause severe disease outbreaks, occur globally, and affect a
broad spectrum of hosts. The haematopoietic necrosis virus from Australia
was the first Ranavirus to cause epizootic mortality in fish. Like other
ranaviruses it lacks host specificity. A distinct but closely related virus,
European catfish virus, occurs in fish in Europe, while very similar
ranaviruses appear in fish and amphibians in Europe, Asia, Australia, North
America and South America. These viruses can be distinguished from one
another and this could allow policies of the World Organization for Animal
Health (OIE) to minimize the spread of these viruses. However, at this time
limited information and variations in disease expression create difficulties
in sampling strategies, and there remains uncertainty surrounding the
taxonomy of some ranaviruses (Whittington, et al. 2010).

     All types of amphibians including salamanders, newts, frogs and toads
are susceptible. Larvae and metamorphic stages are most often associated
with massive mortality events. Adult amphibian morbidity and mortality is
reported less often, but has been observed in the wild, as well as in
captivity. Some species may have covert infections and be able to shed and
transmit virus to other susceptible animals without ever exhibiting clinical
signs. Likewise, non-lethal infections have been documented and it is likely
that these latent infections explain the persistence and emergence of the
disease in both wild and captive populations. Ranaviruses found in fish,
amphibians, and types of other reptiles may serve as reservoirs for
susceptible chelonians. 

     Ranavirus is but one of a number of viral diseases that have been
reported in turtles.  The two important viral diseases of freshwater and
terrestrial chelonians include Herpesvirus disease in tortoises (multiple
clinical signs and high mortality may occur) and Iridoviral (Ranavirus)
disease. See Origgi (chapter 57, Mader, 2006) for a review of Herpesvirus
Disease of tortoises and Jacobson (2007) for a general and comprehensive
review of chelonian viral diseases. Recently, outbreaks of Ranavirus have
also been documented in lizards (Stohr 2013).

     Johnston et al. (2008) report affected species that included captive
Burmese star tortoises, Geochelone platynota, a free-ranging gopher
tortoise, Gopherus polyphemus, free-ranging eastern box turtles Terrapene
carolina carolina, and a Florida box turtle Terrepene carolina bauri. They
also found evidence for Ranavirus infection in archived material from
previously unexplained mass mortality events of eastern box turtles from
Georgia in 1991 and Texas in 1998. Ranavirus infections were also found in
sympatric species of amphibians at two locations with infected chelonians.
The profiles of Ranavirus isolated from a dead Burmese star tortoise and a
southern leopard frog, Rana utricularia, found nearby, were similar. These
findings support the ideas that certain amphibians and chelonians are
infected with a similar virus and that different viruses exist among
different chelonians. Amphibians may serve as the major reservoir host for
susceptible chelonians. This study also demonstrated that significant
Ranavirus infections are likely more widespread in chelonians than
previously suspected.

     Eastern populations of tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum)
are listed at some level of conservation concern in almost every state in
which they occur, in most they are considered endangered. Most populations
are isolated, disjunct, and both their overall numbers and range are
declining. Titus and Green (2013) reported Ranavirus in populations of tiger
salamanders on Long Island. Thus, the threat of this virus to populations of
endangered species is no longer to be considered as just a potential one,
it’s real. 

     Death from the virus is not pretty. In amphibians the disease is
likened to Ebola or epizootic hemorragice disease due to body swelling and
hemorrhaging. Hemorrhagic lesions are characteristic of fish with Ranavirus
infections and often in reptiles as well. Tissue necrosis is extensive
because the virus commandeers multiple cell types. 


     Infection does not always cause disease. Long-term non-clinical
carriers have been identified. Clinical signs vary depending on the host and
a number of other factors. 

     In infected fish the hematopoietic tissue is usually severely affected.
General pathological signs include pale gills and liver, friable kidneys and
livers, and ecchymosis and petechiation on ventral body surfaces. Fish with
Ranavirus often exhibit no external symptoms. Both fresh and saltwater
species are affected, and the virus can be spread to animals eating live,
dead, or previously frozen infected fish.

     In amphibians ranaviral outbreaks can result in sudden onset of
illness; in a wetland often hundreds or thousands of sick individuals are
seen over a 1-5 day period. Overall mortality rates in larvae and juveniles
will exceed 90%. A good indication of disease is lethargic animals swimming
erratically and weakly, or on their sides. Infected frogs and salamanders
typically have subtle to severe hemorrhages on their ventral surface,
particularly at the base of the hind limbs, and around the vent. In some
cases hemorrhages are present from the chin to the tip of the tail; at other
times they may appear in specific sites or as irregular patches. The abdomen
may also become enlarged and reddened (red leg-like symptoms) and amphibians
may have skin ulceration and/or epithelial proliferation. Mild to severe
fluid accumulations can appear under the skin of the abdomen and hind legs.
Hemorrhaging also occurs in multiple tissues, especially the liver, kidney,
heart tissue, and digestive tract. Red-tinged or clear fluid accumulations
may appear in the body cavity.

     Turtles infected with this virus show overall weakness, swollen
eyelids, exhibit discharge from the mouth and nose, and the tongue and
palate often shows dull white or thick yellow plaques. At times turtles may
have ulcers on the bottom of their feet. Conjunctivitis and subcutaneous
edema of the palpebra and neck have also been noted. Mortality is high and
other clinical signs can include pharyngeal ulcers, skin sloughing, and
marked lethargy (Duncan 2011). White dissection plaques can also be found in
the pharynx and esophagus. Infections spread throughout the body affecting
many organs, including blood vessels. Other studies show consistent lesions
in affected turtles included necrotizing stomatitis and/or esophagitis,
fibrinous and necrotizing splenitis, and multicentric fibrinoid vasculitis.
Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies were rarely observed in affected tissues
(Johnston et al. 2008). In terrestrial turtles lesions are perhaps more
difficult to detect as they are primarily in the oral cavity and associate
with internal organs (typically respiratory and gastrointestinal), but can
also include eye and nasal discharges. Aquatic turtles exhibit hemorrhages
and ulcers, with the ulcerations occurring along respiratory and digestive
tracts. Death results from organ dysfunction and secondary infection by
other pathogens. 

Potential Impacts

     There is no question that Ranavirus outbreaks are now common and the
virus is widespread. Allender et al. (2013) examined 606 eastern box turtles
from across the southeastern United States and found a 1.3% prevalence of
Ranavirus. There was a higher infection rate in juveniles than adults, but
the difference was not significant. This seemingly low percentage of
infected box turtles is misleading, and the authors of the study suggest
that the low detection prevalence is a result of the quick time from
exposure to development of the disease and death of the turtles. This would
mirror the findings for amphibian Ranavirus mortality with the difference
being the sick and dead amphibians are more easily identified due to their
seasonal concentrations at breeding sites. 

     In that a number of our endangered and threatened species have
restricted distributions and survive in relatively small populations, they
are potential targets for extinctions resulting from ranaviruses.  So too
are numerous peripheral populations of reptiles and amphibians, many of
which are state-listed as species of conservation concern. Species endemic
to specific springs and spring runs, those confined to narrow elevation
zones on isolated mountains, and fish and turtles whose distributions are
limited to single drainage systems would seem very vulnerable. In the latter
case infected bait-fish released by fisherman could contaminate independent
drainage systems with novel ranaviruses. Subterranean species of blind
cave-dwelling fishes and salamanders are at risk. Aquatic cave-dwelling
animals typically live at very low population levels and entire underground
aquatic systems could quickly succumb to the virus. Lee (1969) reported on
the occurrence of bullfrogs in pools deep within cave systems, and other
types of amphibians commonly inhabit the twilight zones of caves.  Both
represent potential avenues of Ranavirus transport into subterranean systems
where the cool ambient temperatures of cave systems would prove favorable to
the virus.

     The spread of Ranavirus to sites harboring isolated amphibians could
result in loss of subpopulations. Narrow range endemics, as well as relict,
disjunct and peripheral populations are vulnerable, and could be quickly
extirpated. Distant transport of the pathogen by contaminated boots, field
equipment, or release of infected animals to biologically significant remote
sites is a real concern. This is exacerbated by the fact that because of the
different strains of Ranavirus, and their ability to infect a wide spectrum
of hosts. Over time the emergence of novel viruses could occur across a
broad landscape.
Furthermore, roads, pipe lines, and development have fragmented landscapes
to the point that if isolated populations of even common and widespread
species are extirpated, natural recolonization is unlikely to occur.
Nonetheless, development induced isolation does not fully protect sites from
exposure to ranavirus as there are a number of anthropomorphic dispersal
mechanisms for the virus. 

     People maintaining captive collections of turtles and tortoises
outdoors run the risk of locally occurring amphibians infecting them. Native
frogs frequently take up residence in outdoor pools set up for aquatic
turtles, and even a single infected frog could easily contaminate an entire
collection. Additionally, in that Ranavirus can survive in fresh and frozen
fish this is another means for the disease to infect facilities maintaining
captive turtles.

How we are likely aiding and abetting: 

     This virus can remain viable outside a host for 30 days or more. Boots
and field equipment that come in contact with water and sediments
contaminated with Ranavirus can later spread the pathogen to other areas.
This is also likely to occur with the chytrid fungus (Batrachochtrium
dendrobatidis) that affects amphibians. The spread of these diseases is also
the result of visitation to wetlands for recreational activities. Studies
conducted in the Great Smokey Mountains National Park found a higher
Ranavirus prevalence in salamanders at sites with high public access.
Additionally, livestock and agricultural pesticides in wetland areas stress
hosts increasing the likelihood of Ranavirus outbreaks. 

     The release of individual captive animals is an ongoing problem.
Virus-infected pets, both commercially purchased and wild-caught captives,
can harbor asymptomatic ranaviruses, and the serendipitous broadcasting of
the disease to native species is a major concern. While some states have
regulations forbidding the release of captive reptiles and amphibians into
the wild, they are almost impossible to enforce. Additionally many
well-intended people and organizations translocate animals to new localities
as natural habitats are lost to development. This is yet another avenue for
the unintended dispersal of Ranavirus. Attention needs to be focused on
wildlife rehabilitation centers. Often their goal is to help sick animals
resolve their health issues so they can eventually be released. Fortunately
the staffs of the centers can be trained to identify clinical signs and
reptiles and amphibians can be tested for the virus prior to release.

     Establishment of exotic species may also be a problem. Ranavirus has
recently been documented in Anolis lizards in Florida (Stohr 2013). South
Florida is probably the exotic Anolis capital of the world; in many areas it
is impossible to even find the original native species as they have largely
been replaced with introduced species. Florida has the most diverse
assemblage of native lizards in eastern North America, a diversity now
threatened by ranaviruses. Problems will surface as these lizards, as well
as other exotic species, continue to spread and exploit native plant

     Fish hatcheries and commercial aquaculture practices can rapidly
produce new Ranavirus strains. Different studies have shown that ranaviruses
collected from hosts raised and maintained in captive facilities, such as
bullfrog farms and bait-stores selling minnows, were more virulent than
those found in wild populations. The appearance of this virus in Japan is
suspected to have originated from captive-raised frogs being released into
the wild (Une et al. 2009).

     The number of fish hatcheries, fish farms, and commercial facilities
where people pay to catch farm-raised fish in the United States is
phenomenal. In North Carolina alone sales of farm-raised freshwater fish
exceeds $16.5 million. On a worldwide basis 47% of the food fish consumed
are farm raised. The hatcheries, run both by federal and state agencies, as
well as those managed by the private sector, present some major issues. The
hatcheries overseen by wildlife agencies maintain their facilities for
stocking streams and lakes for fishermen, while the private hatcheries sell
the hatchery-produced fish to individuals wishing to stock, or restock
private farm ponds. In both cases the fish are dispersed widely, as is the
potential for the rapid wholesale spread of Ranavirus infected fish. Nelson
(2010) reported Ranavirus from two ponds at Harrison Lake National Fish
Hatchery in Charles City County, Virginia. Based on this the author then
examined tadpoles from four warm-water fish hatcheries in Virginia to
determine if they were infected with Ranavirus. The virus was detected in
tadpoles in three of the four warm-water Virginia hatcheries. Temperature
and the length of time a pond is filled with water were significant
predictors of the proportion of tadpoles that tested positive for Ranavirus.
Similar results were found by Nelson over multiple years. Obviously
precautions should be taken to ensure that ranaviruses are not spread when
fish are transferred from one hatchery to another, or to the wild, but also
of concern is the likelihood of the spread of the virus via the native
amphibians that use hatcheries and fish farms as breeding sites. 

      Some garden centers that supply plants and other items for backyard
outdoor pools also sell tadpoles for stocking garden ponds. While the
wholesale suppliers of these tadpoles vary from store to store, clearly the
stock does not necessarily come from local sources. No matter the origin of
these tadpoles, as well as the fish and aquatic plants offered for sale from
the same display containers, they are potential dispersal agents for
Ranavirus. In addition biological supply companies supply tadpoles for
classroom use so that students can witness metamorphosis, often the young
frogs are released after they transform. Maryland has posted a warning about
this practice as it relates to the spread of Ranavirus and other diseases on
their Natural Resources web site

     The release of unwanted ‘minnows’ and salamanders used as fishing bait
is yet another avenue for spreading the virus. Lee and Knight (1968)
described the commercial sale of native salamanders for fishing bait in the
eastern United States in the 1960s. While for the most part the commercial
aspects of this are no longer in effect due to current wildlife regulations,
the non-commercial practice continues. The appearance of Ranavirus outbreaks
in the central United States was attributed to the sale and use of infected
tiger salamander larvae (Ambystoma tigrinum) for fishing bait (Ridenhour and
Storfer 2008). This salamander is also widely used as bait in the
Southwestern states.

     This, of course, leads to the question as to the extent of infections
being spread from large lots of turtles distributed to domestic and foreign
retail stores from our Southeastern turtle farms. They annually market over
200,000 hatchling turtles, mostly red-eared sliders, within the United
States, and sell 10 million overseas. In addition there are turtle farms
where turtles are raised for meat, and others specializing in exotic and
other high-end species for sale to the hobbyist. Due to the nature of turtle
farming, where large numbers of adult turtles are maintained in overcrowded
conditions where breeding stocks constantly are being supplemented with
additional wild-caught turtles, not only are outbreaks of ranaviruses
likely, it has been demonstrated that novel strains have developed in
aquaculture breeding facilities. Furthermore, native amphibians make use of
the farm ponds and, in many cases, the turtles are fed heads and other
scraps of fish raised on commercial fish farms. This presents yet another
way in which the virus can enter turtle farm operations. Not only are the
young widely distributed with the chance of retail purchased pet turtles
being released when they are no longer wanted, but as in other outdoor
aquatic farming operations, storms and floods can result is mass escape of
infected breeding stocks. Storm induced spillover of Ranavirus infected
water into local creeks and streams could also present a problem. 

     Robert et al. (2007) identified African clawed frogs as a possible
vector for Ranavirus. They found that adult frogs typically clear FV3
infections within a few weeks, but viral DNA was still present in their
kidneys several months after they were experimentally infected. The virus
was also detected in seemingly healthy frogs that were not deliberately
infected. In this study the authors hypothesized that “covert FV3 infection”
may occur in Xenopus. Based on this, and other aspects of their study, these
findings suggest that FV3 can become dormant in resistant species making
some species viral reservoirs. The use of African clawed frogs for this
research is interesting in that during the 1950s and 60s this species was
widely used for pregnancy testing. The species was imported in large numbers
and shipped to clinics and hospitals throughout the country. In following
decades a smaller species, the African Dwarf clawed frog, Hymenochirus sp.,
was imported and commonly sold along with aquarium fish in pet stores. The
commercial global distribution of African clawed frogs is reportedly
responsible for spreading chytrid fungus and accounts for the extinctions of
various native frog faunas --i.e., 30 species wiped out in a Panama forest
(Lee 2013). Today there are a number of businesses, like Xenopus Express,
that supply clawed frogs for medical use, research centers, and the pet
trade throughout the country and as well as in international sales. 

     As pointed out earlier (Lee 2012) Ranavirus could become particularly
troublesome as a result of turtle races where wild caught, non-native
captives, and pet store purchased turtles and tortoises, are all mixed
together at the events. Some of these events are even held back to back with
frog-jumping contest. While this virus is a serious concern, the potential
impact on native turtle populations is but one of a number of important
reasons that these turtle derbies should be restructured, if not eliminated
altogether. A committee of people working in meetings for months would be
hard pressed to come up with a more cost efficient and effective means than
turtle derbies to spread a deadly pathogen into our native populations of
reptiles and amphibians.

    Add to this mix the various wholesale farm-bred fish, frogs and turtles
imported from Asia and sold live as food items in Asian markets across the
United States. These would prove likely vectors for ranaviruses, and
possibly a source for establishing new strains of the disease in this
country. A decade or so back I purchased several adult frogs from an Asian
market for testing and they all were positive for chytrid fungus. This was
brought to the attention of our state wildlife agency, but they were
unwilling to enforce their injurious wildlife regulations due to possible
ethnic backlash.

     Another issue is the release of fish, turtles and frogs by Buddhists--
a practice resulting from a cultural/religious history going back at least
2,000 years. Because of this certain Buddhists sects release store purchased
birds, fish, turtles and other creatures. The belief is that freeing animals
back into the wild is a means of achieving blessing, and turtles and
tortoises are considered as the most karmaically valuable animals to
release. The people are not particularly concerned with the survival of the
animal; to receive blessings they simply buy and release them. This same
practice occurs not just in Asia, but also in the US and Canada with
goldfish and hatchling sliders being the most common subjects for release
(see Maclachlan 2011 and Laio and Lee 2012).

     At other times Buddhists will purchase and release creatures when
family members are sick, believing it helps with the healing process.
Releases may occur daily until the person is fully recovered. This practice
is feasible because of the low cost of a number of commercially available
species. Twenty young sliders, for example, can be purchased in China for
the US equivalent of  $15 (CNY 100). The releases are not limited to
hatchlings; adult and sub-adult sliders are often released en mass. 

     And lets not forget all the captive animals held in classrooms,
typically individual locally caught creatures, brought in by students and
held on display for the remainder of the school year. Usually they are
assigned to some student to release prior to the summer recess. 

Diagnosis, Testing and Treatment for Ranavirus:

     Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the most useful test and is becoming
more widely available. Real-time PCR techniques allow detection of smaller
amounts of virus, but to identify the group type (ATV or FV3 virus-like) of
Ranavirus present, conventional PCR with DNA sequencing is required.
Determining the specific species of Ranavirus usually requires cell culture,
virus isolation, and molecular characterization. These techniques are not
widely available outside of research laboratories. Conventional PCR can
provide false-positive results if confirmatory DNA sequencing or Southern
blot analysis is not performed. Histopathology is helpful to screen for
lesions in sick animals, but lesions tend to be nonspecific unless
intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies are seen. Virus isolation,
immunohistochemistry, transmission electron microscopy, cell culture, and
serology (not widely available or validated for most species) have also been
used to identify infected animals (Duncan 2011).

     For laboratory analysis the best choice for tissue samples are ones
collected at necropsy, especially liver, kidney and skin (if lesions are
present). Frozen tissues are required for virus isolation and are generally
best for molecular analysis as well, however, freezing does not work for
histology. For histology, tissues should be submitted fresh or fixed in 70%
ethanol or 10% neutral buffered formalin. Ethanol-preserved tissues may be
used for some molecular testing. Formalin-fixed tissues may also be used for
some molecular testing if the length of time in formalin is minimal (days to
weeks). It is possible to perform PCR on paraffin-embedded tissues. Samples
can also be collected from clinically ill animals via cloacal or pharyngeal
swabs, tissue biopsy (tail clips), or blood samples. Plastic handled, rayon
tipped swabs are preferable for collection of PCR samples. If living animals
are tested, results should be interpreted with caution, recognizing test
limitations- a positive test result is more reliable than a negative result.
Test sensitivity for antemortem PCR increases with time post-exposure and
development of clinical signs of illness (Duncan 2011). Individual
laboratories can provide more information regarding screening .

     While Ranavirus outbreaks are typically fatal, Allison et al. (2013)
developed protocols to treat diseased turtles and prevent the virus from
spilling over to other captive animals at the Maryland Zoo. Their work
resulted in the survival of 14 of 27 captive eastern box turtles after an
outbreak of Ranavirus in the summer of 2011. Their methods included strict
quarantine guidelines, modified environments, intensive care-including
nutritional support, and extensive multimodal medical treatment by the zoo’s
veterinary staff. The surviving turtles all successfully over wintered, far
exceeding previous survival rates for box turtles with this virus. Hauserman
et al. (2013) used 11 of these turtles to determine if they had developed an
immunity response to the virus. Seven turtles were inoculated with a dose of
the same strain of the virus and four controls were injected with an equal
volume of saline. The turtles were monitored for 9 weeks. Only one of the
re-infected and none of the controls died. Except for the turtle that died,
the inoculated turtles showed only minor signs of the virus, suggesting that
the turtles acquired some level of immunity from their earlier exposure. The
single box turtle that died exhibited intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies in
the kidney, lungs, pancreas, liver, and vas deferens; vasculitis in the
spleen, pancreas, lungs and liver; nephritis; pneumonia; esophagitis;
hepatitis; and enteritis. (It appears that the virus gained access to the
zoo’s outdoor box turtle exhibit by a visitor adding an additional turtle to
the group. When the exposed turtles were brought in for treatment, one
additional, previously unmarked, individual was discovered in the group.) 
     Quantitative tests have been developed that are 100% effective in
detecting frog virus (FV3) in turtles. FV3 DNA can be identified in whole
blood samples, oral swabs and cloacal swabs. Clinical indications of viral
infections seen in experimentally infected red-eared sliders include
lethargy, conjunctivitis, oral plaques and ulcers, while those in box
turtles were fractures and diarrhea. Treatment with anti-viral therapy is
reported to have poor success. Red-eared sliders, Trachemys scripta scripta,
that were experimentally exposed to the FV3 virus had higher mortality rates
when maintained at 22 C than at 28 C, suggesting that Ranavirus is less
successful at higher temperatures. Analysis of infected box turtles showed a
single oral dose of valcyclovir to have a positive effect, and that it may
prove to be useful against the virus (Allender et al. 2013).
Precautions and actually doing something about this: 

     Education regarding handling, maintaining, breeding, transporting, and
selling farm-raised fish, bait fish, ornamental fish for outdoor ponds, and
wild and captive bred pet trade reptiles and amphibians will become
increasingly important. Restoration projects and stream and lake stocking
that involve release of fish, reptiles and amphibians will need to verify
that the released animals are free of the virus.  In addition, field
biologists, recreationists and the general public will likewise need to be
aware of the issues caused by ranaviruses. It is important that wildlife
biologists working for government agencies, zoological facilities and
wildlife rehabilitation centers understand the threat posed by ranaviruses
and take proactive roles in preventing further spread of the disease. 

     Monitoring subsets of wild populations and captive collections of
turtles and amphibians would be beneficial to track and control the spread
and extent of this virus. Populations of rare and endangered species deserve
special attention and commercial imports and shipments of fish, reptiles and
amphibians, particularly ones reared en mass on farms and shipped in
wholesale quantities for retail sales to the public, need to be regularly
checked for the disease.  

      Partly as a result of concerns for Ravavirus outbreaks a number of
state agencies have started taking a close look at turtle races. Maryland’s
DNR has made it known that turtles and frogs entered in race events can not
be released back into the wild once the races are over. Both Pennsylvania
and Maryland have started enforcing the illegal entry of state protected
species (in PA this includes box turtles) in turtle races. In part, based on
Herp Digest’s Internet circulation of concerns about these races (Lee 2012),
several race sponsors canceled races all together (e.g., Moss 2013b). At a
number of events turtle advocate organizations are screening turtles to help
insure that visibly sick and diseased turtles are not entered in the events,
or allowed to have contact with other turtles. In the summer of 2013 a
number of race sponsors across the country were approached by conservation
organizations and asked to alter the way the races are currently conducted
or to plan alternate events (e.g., Moss 2013a). The Tortoise Reserve has
information prepared by the veterinary community on the various reptile
diseases that could be spread by turtle race activities. This is available
to individuals or organizations interested in educating the various race
sponsors via the Tortoise Reserve. Subsequently the Center for Biological
Diversity started contacting sponsors of turtle races explaining their
unintended consequences and suggesting that they modify the way races are
conducted. Prior to the 4th of July turtle race in BelAir, Maryland, the
Susquehannock Wildlife Society posted an online commentary about the
problems the annual race was causing native wildlife asking the race
sponsors to suspend the event in future years
). The majority of the comments posted were quite supportive of the
Society’s position, but it is interesting to read the mind-sets of some of
the people commenting on this post who strongly believe that such
traditional events should not be altered. 

      Preventing the spread of this virus will be taxing for those of us
working daily with captive reptiles and amphibians. Disinfection of
supplies, equipment, water dishes and caging that come in contact with the
animals, or their water, is important. One minute contact with solutions of
3 percent bleach, 0.75 percent Nolvalsan ® (chlorhexidine dicetate), or 1
percent Virkon S ® (potassium peroxymonosulfate) are effective in killing
the virus. Nolvalsan ® is least toxic to amphibians. Disposable vinyl gloves
should be rinsed, disinfected, or changed when handling different animals.
While doing this is often not practical under field conditions, or when
dealing with captive collections, minimally it should become standard
protocol when changing field sites, or when exchanging specimens and housing
between live collections. Particular care needs to be taken in and around
habitats such as isolated wetlands that harbor peripheral populations,
endemic species, species of state concern, and threatened and endangered
species. Protocols need to be developed for people requesting access to
these sites, and access will probably best be limited to those with permits
and training. The release of captive amphibians and turtles will need to be
limited to animals that have been tested for the virus. Stocking streams and
lakes from fish hatcheries may no longer be a viable option. Additionally
the sales of live fish, salamanders, frogs and turtles commercially raised
on farms for bait, stocking, food and pets will need to be addressed, as
possible release of these creatures into the wild by well-intended people
will be difficult if not impossible to enforce. People overseeing zoos and
private collections of amphibians and turtles need to be aware of the
problem, particularly when acquiring new stock.

     Grey and Miller (2013) and Hoverman et al. (2012) point out “natural
resource agencies should consider conducting surveillance studies to
identify infection hotspots, where ranavirus prevalence exceeds 40 percent.”
Once hotspots are located agencies can identify the mechanisms driving them,
determine effects on populations, and come up with intervention strategies.
Green et al. (2009) provide recommendations regarding sample size to detect
the presence of Ranavirus as it relates to approximate host population size,
and a 95% confidence level for detection. Large numbers of individuals from
any given population will need to be tested to attain meaningful confidence

     It is interesting to note that the US Department of Agriculture is
poised to act quickly to oversee and regulate interstate movement of
domestic animals and products that might possibly be infected with diseases
where outbreaks can effect livestock, or spread Mediterranean fruit flies.
Yet, diseases that seriously impact non-commercial native wildlife, and can
be easily spread by our activities, continue to remain unchecked.

     People interested in, and working with, reptiles and amphibians
approach them from different perspectives. Academic researchers
investigating wild populations deal with these animals quite differently
than those working with them in labs. Amateur herpetologists who enjoy
finding reptiles and amphibians in the field often share little in common
with those who maintain captive collections of various color morphs and
non-native species. Zoos, museums and nature centers are interested in
educational displays, while veterinarians and wildlife rehabilitation groups
focus on the health of individual animals. In addition, there are commercial
collectors, exporters, importers, wholesale distributors, reptile show
sponsors and pet shops. Boy Scouts working on merit badges, people rescuing
turtles from roads, and retail purchasers are yet other user groups. They,
along with the wildlife agencies overseeing the welfare of these animals,
all need to be educated as to the plastic nature of ranaviruses if we are to
have any hope of keeping this disease from becoming an outright worldwide

     Due to the broad, and growing, range of host species this pathogen is
becoming a major threat to a significant portion of the earth’s vertebrate
fauna. With one in three species of amphibians and over 40% of the world’s
turtles already at risk of extinction the virus poses a serious additional
threat to global biodiversity. Its impact likewise represents a significant
problem for aquatic community composition and to the overall functioning of
wetland and terrestrial ecosystems. The serious consequences of this virus,
excuse the pun, going viral cannot be overstated. We are witnessing a
disease that can covertly breach the protective boundaries of state and
national parks, wildlife refuges, and any number of private wildlife
sanctuaries and similar lands that have been set aside to permanently
preserve natural systems. With the potential consequences of expanding
Ranavirus outbreaks on our native frogs and toads perhaps a follow up book
to Rachel Carlson’s 1962 classic Silent Spring entitled Silent Night is now
in order. A more fitting title might be Night of the Living Dead. 

[For additional information see Manual Diagnostic Test for Aquatic Animals
2012. Infections with ranavirus. Chapter 2.1.2: 71-91, and the literature
cited within

Acknowledgements: I thank Gregory A. Lewbart VMD, College of Veterinary
Medicine, N.C. State University for reviewing this manuscript. 

Literature Cited:

Allender, M., M. A. Mitchell, and S. Cox. 2013. Epidemiology and treatment
of ranaviral diseases in North American Chelonians (abstract). Box Turtle
Conservation Workshop (March 22-23, 2013), NC Zoological Park, Asheboro, NC.

Allison, N. W., R. Sim, K. J. Murphy, K. Barrett, and E. Bronson. 2013.
Husbandry techniques used during a Ranavirus outbreak in eastern box turtles
(Terrapene carolina carolina) at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore (abstract).
Box Turtle Conservation Workshop (March 22-23, 2013), NC Zoological Park,
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The Tortoise Reserve, P.O. Box 7082, White Lake, North Carolina 27614

 Epilogue: I fear the above may seem to be simply preaching gloom and doom;
it is important for all of us to remain upbeat in attempts to protect our
native fauna. Since it is unlikely that agencies will be able to respond
quickly with proactive solutions there is another option. If we can stick
with the current plan and the continued lack of coverage of several major
news outlets regarding our total denial of human-induced climate change,
this could eliminate the issue of Ranavirus outbreaks in short order.
Increased ambient temperatures in temperate climates and throughout the
world’s oceans should prevent the spread of ranaviruses. Increased
temperatures resulting from global warming will prevent the ability of the
virus to replicate itself, many of its host species will become extinct, and
the issue will soon be resolved. While temperatures are not likely to
increase significantly in boreal regions to prevent the survival and
transmission of ranaviruses, there are very few reptiles and amphibians now
living in those zones and fewer yet that are confined to them.

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