This is the annual conference of the international environmental studies 
association. These conferences always feature great crossover and 
interdisciplinary work for those interested in the integration of knowledge and 
methods towards the resolution of complex problems.

Apologies for cross-postings.


Rich Wallace
Ursinus College

Call for Proposals

June 11-14, 2014
Pace University, New York City
'Welcome to the Anthropocene: From Global Challenge to Planetary Stewardship'

We invite proposals for individual abstracts for individual paper and poster 
presentations, as well as workshops, discussion symposia, full panels, and 
mealtime roundtables.

Please note that we are departing from past practice and issuing only one call 
for proposals.

Proposal deadline: February 4th, 2014


The theme for the conference is 'Welcome to the Anthropocene: From Global 
Challenge to Planetary Stewardship.' This theme focuses on the argument 
advanced by many scholars that Earth has entered a new geological epoch, the 
Anthropocene (the recent age of humans). This perspective contends that humans 
have become a global geophysical force capable of disrupting the grand cycles 
of biology, chemistry and geology by which elements like carbon and nitrogen 
circulate between land, sea and atmosphere. This disruption is resulting in 
profound alteration of the planet's climate, serious threats to a large array 
of species and critical ecosystems and conversion of fertile lands to desert.


We encourage you to organize a session: get a group together, decide on a 
session theme and title, write the proposal, and submit it to us. If you have 
an idea for a session but are having trouble finding like-minded people, we 
encourage you to use the AESS Listserv (or any other listserv or professional 
networking venue). Share your idea, have people contact you, and organize your 
session. If you are not already a listserv subscriber, you can sign up for 
free: Subscribe to the AESS 


To view a list of questions to be answered, types of proposals, requirements, 
and how proposals will be evaluated, please view the main proposal page here: 
Main Proposal 

Start a 

(AESS) is a group of faculty, students and staff of the 1000+ interdisciplinary 
environmental programs in North America and around the world. We seek to 
strengthen teaching, research and service in environmental studies and 
sciences, and to improve communication across boundaries that divide the 
traditional academic disciplines. The Association works to support the 
professional development of Association members not just as individuals but 
also to advance Environmental Studies and Sciences as a whole.

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