This reference list is compiled by Professor Tim Halliday (formerly DAPTF
International Director) ( It lists papers on
amphibian declines and their causes and papers on amphibian conservation,
with an emphasis on those that describe methods for monitoring and
conserving amphibian populations. Tim is always delighted to receive details
of forthcoming papers from their authors.

December 2013

Araújo, C. V. et al.  (2013)  Copper-driven avoidance and mortality in
temperate and tropical tadpoles.  Aquatic Toxicology:  146C;  70-75.

Blaustein, J. et al.  (2014)  Influence of fire salamander larvae on
among-pool distribution of mosquito egg rafts:  oviposition habitat
selection or egg raft predation?  Hydrobiologia:  723;  157-165.

Carlsson, G. & Norrgren, L.  (2013)  Comparison of embryo toxicity using two
classes of aquatic vertebrates.  Envtl. Toxicology & Pharmacology:  37;  24-27.

Castroviejo-Fisher, S. et al.  (2014)  Neotropical diversification seen
through glassfrogs.  J. Biogeography:  41;  66-80.

Catenazzi, A. et al.  (in press)  Thermal physiology, disease, and amphibian
declines on the eastern slopes of the Andes.  Conservation Biology:

Catenazzi, A. & Kupferberg, S. J.  (2013)  The importance of thermal
conditions to recruitment success in stream-breeding frog populations
distributed across a productivity gradient.  Biological Conservation:  168;

Cohen, J. S. & Blossey, B.  (2013)  No apparent effects of soil inoculum on
green frog (Lithobates clamitans Latreille) tadpole performance.  Aquatic
Ecology:  47;  425-431.

Cove, M. V. & Spínola, R. M.  (2013)  Pairing noninvasive surveys with
capture-recapture analysis to estimate demographic parameters for
Dendrobates auratus (Anura:  Dendrobatidae) from an altered habitat in Costa
Rica.  Phyllomedusa:  12;  107-115.

Davenport, J. M. et al.  (2013)  The effects of two fish predators on wood
frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles in a subarctic wetland:  Hudson Bay
lowlands, Canada.  Canadian J. Zoology:  91;  866-871.

Davies, S. J. et al.  (in press)  Farm dams facilitate amphibian invasions:
 extra-limital range expansion of the painted reed frog in South Africa. 
Austral Ecology:  38;  851-863.

Dugas, M. B. et al.  (2013)  Carotenoid supplementation enhances
reproductive success in captive strawberry frogs (Oophaga pumilio).  Zoo
Biology:  32;  655-658.

Egea-Serrano, A. & Tejedo, M.  (2013)  Contrasting effects of nitrogenous
pollution on fitness and swimming performance of Iberian waterfrog,
Pelophylax perezi (Seoane, 1885), larvae in mesocosms and field enclosures.
 Aquatic Toxicology:  146C;  144-153.

Ettling, J. A. et al.  (2013)  Captive reproduction and husbandry of adult
Ozark hellbenders, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis bishopi.  Herpetol. Review:
 44;  605-610.

Fenolio, D. B. et al.  (2013)  Status and conservation of a Gondwana legacy:
 Bullock’s false toad, Telmatobufo bullocki (Amphibia:  Anura: 
Calyptocephalellidae).  Herpetol. Review:  44;  583-590.

Gomez-Mestre, I. et al.  (2013)  Mechanisms and consequences of
developmental acceleration in tadpoles responding to pond drying.  PLoS One:
 8 (12);  e84266.

Hanlon, S. M. & Parris, M. J.  (2014)  The interactive effects of chytrid
fungus, pesticides, and exposure timing on gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor)
larvae.  Envtl. Toxicology & Chemistry:  33;  216-222.

Hanlon, S. M. et al.  (2013)  Mouthparts of southern leopard frog,
Lithobates sphenocephalus, tadpoles not affected by exposure to a
formulation of glyphosate.  Bulletin of Envtl. Contamination & Toxicology: 
91;  611-615.

Higley, E. et al.  (2013)  Effects of triphenyltin on growth and development
of the wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus).  Aquatic Toxicology:  144-145; 

Homan, R. C. et al.  (2013)  Detection of ranavirus in Ohio, USA.  Herpetol.
Review:  44;  615-618.

Hoverman, J. T. et al.  (2013)  Does timing matter?  How priority effects
influence the outcome of parasite interactions within hosts.  Oecologia: 
173;  1471-1480.

Jeliazkov, A. et al.  (2014)  Level-dependence of the relationships between
amphibian biodiversity and environment in pond systems within an intensive
agricultural landscape.  Hydrobiologia:  723;  7-23.

Liang, C. T.  (2013)  Movements and habitat use of Yosemite toads (Anaxyrus
(formerly Bufo) canorus) in the Sierra National Forest, California.  J.
Herpetol:  47;  555-564.

Lillo, F. et al.  (2013)  Identification and potential origin of invasive
clawed frogs Xenopus (Anura:  Pipidae) in Sicily based on mitochondrial and
nuclear DNA.  Italian. J. Zoology:  80;  566-573.

Loudon, A. H. et al.  (in press)  Microbial community dynamics and effect of
environmental microbial reservoirs on red-backed salamanders (Plethodon
cinereus).  Intl. Society for Microbial Ecology J:

McFadden, M. et al.  (2013)  Captive management and breeding of the
critically endangered southern Corroboree frog (Pseudophryne corroboree)
(Moore 1953) at Taronga and Melbourne Zoos.  Amphibian & Reptile
Conservation:  5;  70-87.

Muelleman, P. J. & Montgomery, C. E.  (2013)  Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
in amphibians of northern Calhoun County, Illinois, USA.  Herpetol. Review:
 44;  614-615.

Orozco-terWengel, P. et al.  (2013)  Mitochondrial introgression
hybridization following a demographic expansion in the tomato frogs of
Madagascar, genus Dyscophus.  Molecular Ecology:  22;  6074-6090.

Ortega-Andrade, H. M. et al.  (2013)  Novel data on the ecology of
Cochranella mache (Anura:  Centrolenidae) and the importance of protected
areas for this critically endangered glassfrog in the neotropics.  PLoS One:
 8 (12);  e81837.

Pinya, S. & Pérez-Mellado, V.  (2013)  Ageing and growth of the endangered
midwife toad Alytes muletensis.  Endangered Species Research:  22;  263-268.

Popescu, V. D. et al.  (2013)  Moving into protected areas?  Setting
conservation priorities for Romanian reptiles and amphibians at risk from
climate change.  PLoS One:  8 (11);  e79330.

Rodriguez-Perez, H. et al.  (2014)  Is the exotic red swamp crayfish
(Procambarus clarkii) a current threat for the Mediterranean tree frog (Hyla
meridionalis) in the Camargue (southern France)?  Hydrobiologia:  723;  145-156.

Romero, D. et al.  (2014)  Uncertainty in distribution forecasts caused by
taxonomic ambiguity under climate change scenarios:  a case study with two
newt species in mainland Spain.  J. Biogeography:  41;  111-121.

Saenz, D. et al.  (2013)  Synergistic effects of the invasive Chinese tallow
(Triadica sebifera) and climate change on aquatic amphibian survival. 
Ecology & Evolution:  3;  4828-4840.

Sapsford, S. J. et al.  (2013)  Elevation, temperature, and aquatic
connectivity all influence the infection dynamics of the amphibian chytrid
fungus in adult frogs.  PLoS One:  8 (12);  e82425.

Sharifi, M. et al.  (2013)  Suitability of the photographic identification
method as a tool to identify the endangered yellow spotted newt, Neurergus
microspilotus (Caudata:  Salamandridae).  Russian J. Herpetol:  20;  264-270.

Shulse, C. D. & Semlitsch, R. D.  (2014)  Western mosquitofish (Gambusia
affinis) bolster the prevalence and severity of tadpole tail injuries in
experimental wetlands.  Hydrobiologia:  723;  131-144.

Slough, B. G.  (2013)  Occurrence of amphibians in British Columbia north of
57oN.  Northwestern Naturalist:  94;  180-186.

Srinivas, G. & Bhupathy, S.  (2013)  Anurans of the Meghanalai landscape,
Western Ghats, India.  J. Threatened Taxa:  5;  4973-4978.

Thomas, R. L. et al.  (2014)  Restoring breeding habitat for giant bullfrogs
(Pyxicephalus adspersus) in South Africa.  African J. Herpetol:  63;  13-24.

Toranza, C. & Maneyro, R.  (2013)  Potential effects of climate change on
the distribution of an endangered species:  Melanophryniscus montevidensis
(Anura:  Bufonidae).  Phyllomedusa:  12;  97-106.

Townsend, J. M. et al.  (2014)  Avian, salamander, and forest floor mercury
concentrations increase with elevation in a terrestrial ecosystem.  Envtl.
Toxicology & Chemistry:  33;  208-215.

Venesky, M. D. et al.  (in press)  Linking manipulative experiments to field
data to test the dilution effect.  J. Animal Ecology:

Vignoli, L. et al.  (2013)  Landscape of amphibian diversity in Latium
region:  peaks, valleys and gaps of conservation priority.  Italian J.
Zoology:  80:  586-595.

Watari, Y. et al.  (2013)  Evaluating the “recovery level” of endangered
species without prior information before alien invasion.  Ecology &
Evolution:  3;  4711-4721.

Wickramasinghe, L. J. M. et al.  (2013)  Rediscovery of Pseudophilautus
hypomelas (Günther, 1876) (Amphibia: Anura: Rhacophoridae) from the Peak
Wilderness, Sri Lanka, a species thought to be extinct!  J. Threatened Taxa:

Wilson, L. D. et al.  (2013)  A conservation reassessment of the amphibians
of Mexico based on the EVS measure.  Amphibian & Reptile Conservation:  7; 

Wir, S. M. et al.  (in press)  Phthalate ester leachates in aquatic
mesocosms:  implications for ecotoxicity studies of endocrine disrupting
compounds.  Chemosphere:  

Winandy, L. & Denoël, M.  (2013)  Introduced goldfish affect amphibians
through inhibition of sexual behaviour in risky habitats:  an experimental
approach.  PLoS One:  8 (11);  e82736.

Zancolli, G. et al.  (2013)  Detection of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in
river frogs (genus Amietia) on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.  Herpetol.
Review:  44;  611-614.

Zhang, C. et al.  (2014)  Teratogenic effects of organic extracts from the
Pearl River sediments on Xenopus laevis embryos.  Envtl. Toxicology &
Pharmacology:  37;  202-209.

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