We would like to bring to your attention a Integrative Session we are 
organizing during the May 2014 Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM), 

River-Floodplain Connectivity as a Geomorphic, Biogeochemical, and 
Organismal Driver of Floodplain Function (#070)

Floodplain ecosystems are important for biodiversity and multiple ecosystem 
services. The physical and biogeochemical processes driving these services 
depend to a great extent upon connectivity between the floodplain and river. 
The frequency and duration of river- floodplain connectivity varies, from 
small, infrequently inundated floodplains along low order streams to 
seasonally inundated floodplains along larger rivers. Material (sediment, 
water, nutrients) deposited during floods undergoes biogeochemical 
processing during storage. However, quantifying the roles of connectivity 
and residence time in floodplain functions remains difficult because of 
process complexity and poorly constrained conceptual models. We seek a 
diverse group of interdisciplinary scientists to explore controls on 
floodplain ecology, including the physical (e.g., hydrology and 
geomorphology), biogeochemical, and biologic functions. This integrative 
understanding of floodplain functions is essential for efforts to manage and 
restore floodplains to improve ecosystem services, from flood amelioration, 
water quality improvement, to wildlife habitat.

You may read the session abstract on-line here:
There, you may also find our e-mail addresses. Please don't hesitate to 
contact any one of us with any questions or comments.
The abstract deadline is at 23:59 U.S. Central Standard Time on Friday, 7 
February 2014.

We hope that you'll present your interesting research in our 
interdisciplinary floodplain session.  If you are intending to to submit an 
abstract to our session, please email us with a confirmation.  We hope to 
see you in Portland!

Best regards,
Cliff Hupp
Richard Keim
Greg Noe
Durelle Scott

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