Ruth Yanai is looking for one more graduate student, MS or PhD, to participate 
in a large, multi-investigator project on terrestrial nutrient limitation in 
northern hardwood forests. Field sites are located at Hubbard Brook, Jeffers 
Brook, and Bartlett Experimental Forests in the White Mountains of New 
Hampshire. Since 2011, thirteen stands have been receiving N, P, N&P, and 
control treatments in 0.25-ha plots, and six stands also have a Ca plot. We 
welcome inquiries from prospective students interested in above- or 
below-ground questions related to nutrient cycling and tradeoffs involved in 
multiple resource acquisition. More information on the project can be found at  .

Ideally, students start during the summer to become familiar with the field 
sites and our research activities. Field experience and the ability to live in 
a group setting are essential. A field crew blog from previous years is 
available at  Starting in January 2014 
is also a possibility.

In addition to projects in New Hampshire, collaborative opportunities exist for 
students interested in uncertainty analysis through the QUEST Research 
Coordination Network. QUEST stands for Quantifying Uncertainty in Ecosystem 
Studies. More information on QUEST efforts are available at

Funding will consist of a combination of research and teaching assistantships 
(ability to TA General Chemistry or GIS would be a plus). Prospective students 
may apply to the Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management or the 
Program in Environmental Science, both at the SUNY College of Environmental 
Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY.

Please contact Heather Engelman at<>  for access to additional 
password-protected documents; we appreciate communicating with students as part 
of the application process.

Ruth D. Yanai, Professor, Forest and Natural Resources Management SUNY College 
of Environmental Science and Forestry Syracuse, NY 13210

phone: 315 470-6955 fax: 315 470-6954

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