I'm needing to devise a system to grind 28 samples of single species plant 
material (range of 0.5-26g per sp) for a DNA barcoding project.  There are DNA 
extraction procedures for grinding plant material but they typically work with 
miniscule amounts of plant material (~0.05 g) and don't seem relevant.  I need 
something that will enable me to process much larger amounts.  I also need it 
to be simple enough to effectively clean and remove extraneous DNA (e.g. bleach 
or DNA Exitus Plus) between samples.  We have a wiley mill but it seems highly 
likely to have DNA carryover (i.e. DNA contamination).

My first thought was liquid nitrogen and a mortar and pestle but this 
techniques is also typically done on samples that are pretty small (~1g) and am 
not sure it would work with such large quantities of plant material without me 
getting a repetitive use injury.  I then thought larger quantities of material 
could be processed with a blender (with water & not liquid nitrogen) & then 
freeze dry the homogenized sample.  Ideally, I would like the final material 
fine enough to pass through a 2mm screen but can possibly change this 
tolerance.  Suggestions?

Kurt Reinhart, Experimental Plant Ecologist
USDA-Agricultural Research Service
Fort Keogh Livestock & Range Research Laboratory
243 Fort Keogh Rd.
Miles City, MT 59301
Ph: (406) 874-8211
Lab website<http://www.grasslandscience.net/>

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