Thank you to everyone who responded to our message about Project BRASS (see 
message below) and suggested we set up a crowdfunding site. We are nonprofit, 
but you are correct in that sites like GoFundMe are trusted and easy to use. 
So, here is our site:

Second, it also was recommended that we clarify that snakebites in Latin 
America are, in general, incidental, a result of working and living among 
abundant, generalist venomous snakes like the fer de lance. Adults and kids are 
being bitten at alarming rate and not as a result of stupidity or 
alcohol-related events (things often associated with bites in the United 
States). The local people are asking for education on how to avoid bites and 
distinguish which snakes are obviously not venomous so they can reduce 
killings. We hope to make a difference in this unacknowledged public health 
problem in Panama and Costa Rica.

Thank you, as always, for your support and suggestions!


Project BRASS: Bites Reduced AND Snakes Saved
Panama and Costa Rica

Team Snake Panama, based at La MICA Biological Station ( in 
central Panama, strives to
reduce the number of venomous snakebites, while conserving all species of
snakes. Our efforts are focused on research, educational programs, and outreach
in Panama and Costa Rica.
Because education is so important, our objective is: To
distribute information to communities, especially in remote areas, on the
identification of and co-existing with snakes. To do so, we will visit
communities throughout Panama and Costa Rica to deliver a talk about local
snakes and snakebite prevention, donate a copy of our bilingual book The
Venomous Snakes and their Mimics of Panama and Costa Rica to health clinics and
schools, interact with local people to understand their fears and needs, and
participate in guided tours led by residents to better understand the habits
and distribution of each species of snake so that snakebite prevention and
treatment can be improved.
Make a tax-deductible donation NOW!
Background information: A recent publication reported 600
venomous snakebites annually in Costa Rica and a staggering 2800 in Panama!
These numbers included just cases treated in medical centers; in many remote
areas, traditional (but ineffective and even dangerous) methods are used for
people unable or unwilling to go to a hospital. Because of so many bites,
people kill every snake they see, despite the fact that most are harmless to
humans, their pets, and livestock. Many people have asked us to help them
understand which species are dangerous so they can help better protect
themselves and peacefully co-exist with snakes. They acknowledge that snakes
are important inhabitants of their shared environment, serving such valuable
functions as controlling food and health pests like rodents. Now is the time
for this essential and potentially live-saving educational experience!
Our current goal is to raise $12,500, to fund visits to 125
communities ($100/site) throughout Panama and Costa Rica to deliver a
presentation on identifying and co-existing with snakes, and donate a copy of
our book. You can follow the project on a blog we will update regularly. Please
help us reach our goal to help reduce snakebites while gaining protection for
all species of snakes. Every donation will make a huge difference and will
allow for more sites to be visited.
Note that we also are taking recommendations of sites to
visit. Please email us at with your suggestions.
No need for crowd-funding sites; we have a nonprofit fiscal
To make your tax-deductible contribution:
Online donations can be submitted at:
Checks can be made to: Cloud Forest Institute*, P.O. Box
1435, Ukiah, CA 95482
Please note “La MICA” on the memo line of your check.
*Cloud Forest Institute is the US-based 501c3 educational
non-profit fiscal sponsor of La MICA Biological Station. Tax deductible
donations restricted for use for La MICA can be made out to Cloud Forest
Institute and mailed to the address above. Online donations can be made through
PayPal. Be sure to note La MICA on check memo lines.
Thank you for your contribution.
Julie M. Ray, MSc, PhD
La MICA Biological Station
La Montaña para Investigación y Conservación Ambiental

El Cope-La Pintada. Provincia de Cocle. Republica de Panama
Fundación Centro de Investigación Biológica El Copé, S.A. (Panama)

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