*Postdoctoral position - UC Davis - molecular biology, ecology, small RNAs,
insect physiology, plant-vector interactions, plant-microbe interactions,

A postdoctoral position is available in the Casteel lab at UC Davis,
starting after March 2015.

The primary research goal of the Casteel lab is to identify the functions
of microbes in plant-insect interactions and elucidate the key molecular
mechanisms responsible for these relationships. We use a combination of
molecular biology, genetics, genomics and biochemistry together with field
and laboratory trials to elucidate molecular mechanisms. The focus of this
position in the lab is on Solanaceous plant interactions with insect
vectors. Specifically they will examine phloem mobile small RNAs in
Solanaceous plants and the impact of pathogens on vector-plant interactions.

For more information on the lab:


*Minimum qualifications:*

Applicants for the postdoctoral position should be within 3 years of
receiving their PhD. Applicants must be able to do independent research,
have good written and verbal communication skills, and must be highly

*Preferred qualifications:*

I am particularly interested in candidates that have a strong background
and publication record in molecular biology/biochemistry, insect
physiology, symbiont-insect interactions, bioinformatics (or analyzing
large data sets - RNAseq, proteomics, etc.), protein-protein interactions
and/or closely related fields. Applicants with a proven record of
publication and experience working in the area of plant-microbe or
plant-insect interactions will be preferred. Candidates with a proven
record of excellence in related areas will be seriously considered.

Salary range: $39,000-44,000 with excellent benefits. Duration: one year,
but renewable upon satisfactory job performance, continuing availability of
funds, and ongoing operational needs.

*How to Apply / Contact:*

Qualified candidates should submit the following to ccast...@ucdavis.edu: a
cover letter, curriculum vitae, research statement, and contact information
for three referees. The subject of the email should be “Postdoc
position: Plant-vector
interactions” and each file submitted should start with your last name in
the title.

For more information contact Clare Casteel at ccast...@ucdavis.edu.

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