POSITIONS: Employees needed to assist with long-term monitoring of small 
mammal populations and assemblages on lands severely disturbed by the 1980 
eruption of Mount St. Helens. These positions can potentially be used as 
undergraduate internship course credit if suitable arrangements can be made 
between employer, college faculty, and student. 

REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must have experience with field methods used to 
live-trap small mammals, and have the knowledge and skills to handle, 
process (e.g., measure, weigh, and determine gender, age & reproductive 
status), and identify captured mammals to the species-level. In addition, 
applicants should have experience measuring biophysical habitat features 
(i.e., vegetation, wood debris, substrates).  Applicants must be physically 
fit and capable of hiking several miles each day through rugged, unstable 
terrain. Employees will be part of a larger research team camping 
throughout the season at well-equipped base camps and transported to study 
sites or trailheads in government vehicles. Legible handwriting is 
required. Valid state driver’s license is needed.

DUTIES: Employees will receive training on sampling methods and work both 
independently and with other crew members to obtain measurements for small 
mammals and their biophysical habitat features. Employees are required to 
take careful field notes, to record field data accurately on data forms, 
and maintain field equipment. 

SCHEDULE: May through September 2015*. Work week will be 40 hours, Monday 
through Friday. In some cases this schedule may vary in order to accomplish 
project goals. 
*Begin and end date negotiable.

PAY RATE: $ 12.00 - $13.00 per hour depending on experience.

HOW TO APPLY: Send cover letter, resume, college transcripts, and contact 
information for three references to:
Charlie Crisafulli
Mount St. Helens
42218 NE Yale Bridge Road
Amboy, WA 98601
Phone: 360-449-7834

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