Dear Ecolog-Listers:

Some of you know that I run a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Although I
have published in a number of other journals, I do not remember ever
withdrawing a paper of mine after it has been accepted. Thus, I do not have
experience with the typical publishers' behavior in those cases. Note,
herein, I am not asking about authors not wanting their paper reviewed. I
have 0 tolerance for those and, when that has happened, the papers are
returned to the authors. Instead, herein, I am concerned about authors
whose papers are accepted, all reviews returned, and even some editorial
work on my part, etc. Background follows:

Recently, a large (ca. 25 printed pages) paper was withdrawn from my
journal by authors from a country other than the USA four days before going
to press. The reason given, herein I paraphrase, is the some of the authors
did not like to publish in my journal. Frankly, after all the work the
reviewers and I put, I was not pleased but, I wished them the best.

However, looking forward... several colleagues have suggested me to make it
mandatory the signing of a form (*by all authors, including their
functional emails*) *not only the corresponding author*, indicating that:

a. The paper is not under consideration in another journal.

Could someone tell me how common it is these days to send papers to two (or
more) journals simultaneously? I thought that was an absolute "thou shall
not" but apparently, I am in error. Could someone tell me why are some
folks doing that? By the way, I publisher told me this sort of thing
happens ca. 10% of the papers and that it is part of being a publisher!

b. Once accepted, only editorial decision can remove an already accepted

c. If you have other suggestions (or the actual forms used in other
journals), to minimize this type of author's behavior, please feel free to
send them along. I shall request permission to use/modify from the

Any feedback, please send it to me directly ( Thank



Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, PhD

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