Job Announcement

Visiting Researcher

The National Institute of Ecology (NIE) is a newly-established government-funded research institution of ecology in Korea. The two main research themes that the NIE pursues are "Biodiversity ecology" and "Climate change science". In addition to establish firm bases for both basic and applied ecological research, the NIE is running the Technical Support Unit (TSU) for the Knowledge & Data TF of IPBES. Thus we are now trying to recruit experienced researchers from abroad who could help us develop promising new research traditions. Successful candidates will carry out research with researchers in a collaborative environment. The researcher will be able to direct our ongoing projects and/or initiate new his/her own independent project. The position may begin as short-term appointment but can be extended for multiple years. We welcome any ecological researchers who are in transition, i.e., looking for more experience before settling down at a permanent position, seeking an exciting place for sabbatical, wanting to share his/her lifelong expertise after retirement, and so on. Let us know what you can contribute to this exciting new institution.

 Jae C. Choe, President

National Institute of Ecology

Seocheon-gun Maseo-myon Geumgang-ro 1210


Republic of Korea

1. Position


Research Area


Visiting Researcher

All fields in ecology

(Experts in biodiversity, ecological informatics, and data management/database construction will be given preference)


2. Qualification






PhD with proven record of research experience (career breaks not included)

The candidate must fulfill the requirements for the recruitment of temporary employees, according to the internal regulation. The regulation for the recruitment of temporary employee

No condition on nationality and age. Disabled hiring preference is applied.

The candidate who can start the work immediately is preferred.

3. Working Conditions

Location of workplace: The National Institute of Ecology (Seocheon-gun Maseo-myon Geumgang-ro 1210, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea).

Employment period: Minimum 6 months. (Contract can be renewed on an annual basis, depending on funding and performance). Salary and benefits: $5,000 per month including tax, round-trip air fares and housing provided, 12 days of paid leave per year (6 days of paid leave 6 month), National pension, health and occupational health and safety.

4. The selection process and notification of decision

A. Stage 1: The reviewing process

Eligibility is checked and submitted documents are reviewed.

Notification of decision: individually

B. Stage 2: The interview ( can be internet protocol video system)

The schedule of web interviews will be given to the successful candidates at Stage 1.

Notification of decision: The final decision will be given to the successful candidates individually.

5. How to apply

- Send CV and cover letter to <>

- Application period: until an offer of employment has been made and accepted.

[For those of you who are planning sabbatical or retirement, you may directly contact Jae Choe, President of the NIE, at <> or]

6. Things to note

- The materials submitted will not be returned.

- All the information in the documents submitted should be true. If any information submitted during the application process is found to be inaccurate, the selected person may be subject to repercussions including removal from the position and denial to any right of objection.

- The decision can be withdrawn if the requirements for the recruitment of temporary employees are not fulfilled.

- Contact addresses including e-mail addresses, mobile phone numbers, and home phone numbers are recommended to be included in the application form.

- The Institute is not responsible for the disadvantage incurred when information is not included or is incorrect on the application form.

- The schedule for this recruitment can be changed, and candidates will be notified of changes no later than 3 days before the deadline of the application or selection process.

- If a suitable candidate is not found, the Institute can postpone recruiting.

- If more information is needed, contact Kwangil Cheon ( 041-950-5368, <> or Sarah Kim ( 041-950-5990, <>

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