Dear Eco-loggers:
I am currently finishing up a 2-week residency at PLAYA!  It has been
The opportunity to commit 2 weeks to uninterrupted thought and connection
to my work has been immensly beneficial (manuscript almost done!!)

I encourage you to consider applying!  Did i mention the delicious food!?

Feel free to email me if you have any questions!!

All the best,


On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 9:14 AM, Deborah Ford <> wrote:

> DEADLINE: September 1: 2015 Residency for Scientists, Artists, Writers and
> more at PLAYA
> PLAYA, in south central Oregon, is a retreat for creative individuals who
> are committed and
> passionate about their work and who will benefit from time spent in a
> remote location. PLAYA
> offers seclusion and quiet in a natural environment and the opportunity
> for interaction, if desired,
> with a cohort of residents and the local rural community. A residency
> provides the time and space
> to create substantive work or to research and reflect upon one’s creative
> or scientific processes.
> PLAYA’s residencies are open to artists, scientists, naturalists, and
> individuals engaged in forms of
> creative research. PLAYA welcomes a range of applicants--from emerging to
> professionals with an established history of accomplishment.
> Residencies are awarded for 2, 4, 6, or 8 weeks and include housing, work
> or studio space, and
> twice weekly group dinners at NO CHARGE.
> There is a $35 application fee for individuals ($70 for collaborative
> teams) to cover administrative
> costs.
> For more information visit our website at
> Applications are now open with a deadline of September 1, 2015.
> Deborah Ford
> Executive Director
> Playa
> 47531 Highway 31
> Summer Lake, OR 97640
> 541-943-3983
> PLAYA's Mission
> On the edge of the Great Basin, PLAYA offers creative individuals
> the space, the solitude and the community to reflect and to engage their
> work through its residency program. PLAYA supports innovative thinking
> through work in the arts, literature, natural sciences and other fields
> of creative inquiry and encourages dialogue between disciplines
> to bring positive change to the environment and the world.
> PLAYA is a 501(c) 3 tax-exempt organization and all contributions are
> tax-deductible
> to the full extent allowed by law.

    Catherine Tarasoff - Invasive Plant Ecologist, PhD., P.Ag
Research Scientist                                          Adjunct
School of Forest Res. and Env. Sci.                 Dept of Natural
Michigan Technological University                    Thompson Rivers
1400 Townsend Drive                                      900 McGill Road
Houghton, MI                                                  Kamloops, BC

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