Dear Colleagues,

First of all, apologies for cross-posting.

Abstract submission for the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 
2016 (17th-22nd April 2016, Vienna, Austria) is now open. We would like to 
invite you to submit an abstract to our session:

Functional responses of trees and forests to environmental stress: 
ecophysiological and dendroecological approaches

Understanding how trees cope with environmental stress is paramount to predict 
forest dynamics and composition under global change. Drought, heat and cold 
stresses constrain tree functioning and global change is already driving tree 
functional responses to changing hydroclimatic conditions. Ecophysiological 
responses include changes in the short-term regulation of water and carbon use, 
from the organ to the whole-plant levels. Dendroeocology and wood anatomy 
studies provide a longer-term perspective on radial growth history and its 
drivers, allowing us to infer legacy effects of chronic and episodic stresses, 
including climate-driven changes in xylem and phloem properties influencing 
transport of water and sugars within the plant.
This session focuses on experimental and model-data integration studies of tree 
functioning under environmental stress. We specially welcome studies using one 
or more of the following instrumental techniques: (i) gas exchange, (ii) tree 
hydraulics and sap flow, (iii) automatic dendrometers, (iv) dendrochronology 
and (v) quantitative wood anatomy.

Convener: Rafael Poyatos López

Ute Sass-Klaassen, 
Kathy Steppe, <>
Georg von Arx, <>

  *   For up-to-date session information:


  *   Detailed information on how to submit an abstract can be found at:


  *   The deadline for the receipt of abstracts is 13 Jan 2016, 13:00 CET. In 
case you would like to apply for support, please submit no later than 01 Dec 
2015; see below for more information on financial support:


  *   Further information about the EGU General Assembly 2016 can be found at:

EGU web <>
EGU blog <>
EGU on Twitter <> #EGU16
Facebook <>

Best regards,

Rafael Poyatos
Kathy Steppe
Ute Sass-Klaassen
Georg von Arx

Rafael Poyatos López
Postdoctoral Researcher
CREAF - Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals
Campus UAB. Edifici C. 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
+34 93 581 46 76<>

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