We seek a motivated Ph.D. student to develop a dissertation research project
utilizing data from the Lake County Forest Preserve District (LCFPD)
Long-Term Wildlife Monitoring Program to assess outcomes and identify
successful strategies for meeting restoration and management targets. The
LCFPD has substantial data on wildlife populations (especially small
mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians), land cover, and management
history, which will allow the student to pursue unique and important
questions about restoration ecology and habitat management.  The student
will work under the guidance of ecologists and restoration biologists at
Northern Illinois University, Dr. Nick Barber
(http://www.bios.niu.edu/barber/lab/Barber_Lab/Home.html), Dr. Holly Jones
(http://www.bios.niu.edu/jones/lab/index.html), and Dr. Rich King
(http://niu.edu/biology/about/faculty/rking/index.shtml), and with managers
at LCFPD.  

Prospective students should be comfortable working during inclement weather,
possess a valid driver’s license, and be willing to oversee a small team of
field technicians.  Competitive candidates will have a Master’s degree and
strong GRE scores.  Experience with mark-recapture methods, occupancy
modeling, and wildlife management is desirable.  The position will include
stipend and tuition remission, with a starting date of August 2016 or
January 2017.  
Northern Illinois University is a 20,000-student research university in
DeKalb, Illinois, a diverse community of 50,000 with a low cost of living. 
The Department of Biological Sciences includes faculty with a wide range of
research interests, including an active Ecology, Evolution, Behavior, and
Conservation research concentration.  Details of the graduate program are
available at http://niu.edu/biology/academics/graduate-studies/index.shtml.  

Interested students should email Nick Barber (nbar...@niu.edu) by May 15,
2015, with a cover letter that explains your research background and
interests and why you want to pursue a Ph.D.  Please also include a CV with
GPA and GRE scores.  

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