Time is running out to reserve your seat! 2016 Gordon Research Conference Multiscale Plant Vascular Biology Identifying Interdisciplinary Opportunities for a New Era of Plant Vascular Biology
This conference seeks to bring together leaders and emerging scientists in the field of plant vascular biology to synthesize advances and suggest new directions. Speakers will present the results of original research with a focus on the interdisciplinary implications of their work. Topics will cover sub-cellular to ecosystem scales, spanning mechanistic to ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Through this conference we seek to identify gaps in our understanding, stimulate discourse and collaboration across scales, and encourage data synthesis in the field of plant vascular biology. June 26 - July 1, 2016 Sunday River Newry, ME Chairs: William T. Pockman & Juliana S. Medeiros Vice Chair: Barbara Lachenbruch Help spread the word about this GRC and share this announcement with your colleagues! Visit the conference webpage here: https://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=17277