Announcement: Invasive Species Paid Internship Position
Job Description: We are seeking an intern to assist with our project
investigating the impacts of invasive tiger shrimp on native Gulf Coast 
estuarine species. The selected intern will work/live at the Dauphin Island
Sea Lab (Dauphin Island, AL) and will assist in experiments which will
investigate if native predators (red drum) will provide biotic resistance to
tiger shrimp invasion. In this position, the intern will  help retrieve
tiger shrimp from commercial shrimpers, assist in retrieving  red drum for
experiments (i.e. fishing), and help perform tiger shrimp-red drum mesocosm

Position Start/End: The position will begin in late August and end around
the Thanksgiving break/early December. 
B.S. in Biology/Marine Biology highly preferred. Experience in experimental
ecology, marine ecosystems, and coastal fishing is also preferred.
Applicants should have a strong work ethic, attention to detail, and the
ability to work independently or as team. Qualified applicants must have a
driver’s license and a clean driving record to be able to drive lab vehicles. 
If you are interested, please send a cover letter, CV , and at the contact
information at least 3 references (Name, phone #, and email address) for to
Dr. Jennifer Hill ( Please make sure all file titles
include your last name and use tiger shrimp intern in the email subject line. 

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