Please distribute to your friends and colleagues attending the 2016 Ecological 
Society of America Annual Meeting in Ft Lauderdale, FL.

Research/Funding Networking Opportunity with Federal Agencies at the 2016 ESA 
Annual Meeting

Dear ESA 2016 attendees,

On behalf of numerous Federal program managers and the ESA Early Career 
Section, we would like to invite you to attend an information and networking 
session to be held at ESA's Annual Meeting in Ft. Lauderdale.  This session 
will bring together early career scientists with federal program managers to 
share information, funding opportunities and other tips to help enable the next 
generation of ecologists and environmental scientists.  The session will be 
held on Monday, August 8th from 11:30-1:15 at the Hilton Marina next to the ESA 
convention center in Ft. Lauderdale.  Each federal program will provide a short 
introduction describing the scope of their programs (similar to a lightning 
talk) followed by a roundtable discussion where attendees can discuss specific 
research and funding opportunities directly with program managers/officers.  
The session is free to attend and registration is not required.

You are encouraged learn more about the ESA Early Career Section by checking 
out their
Blog/ webpage ( as well as on twitter 
(@ESA_EarlyCareer)  or email (<>).

The session info is:
WK 24: "Federal Agency Networking Session"
Monday, August 8, 2016
11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
Grand Blrm A, Hilton Marina

Description of the session: Navigating federal agencies for research and 
funding opportunities in ecology can be complex, especially for early career 
investigators.  Representatives from multiple federal agencies and 
organizations involved with ecological research along with ESA's Early Career 
Ecologists Section will share information about research funding, 
opportunities, and/or fellowships at their institutions.  At this session, we 
will strive for representation from BLM, DOD, DOE, EPA, NASA, NOAA, NSF, USDA, 
USFS, USGS, and the Smithsonian Institution.  After a brief introduction about 
each organization present, representatives will meet with workshop participants 
in small groups to answer questions about their programs.

Dan Stover (DOE) and Christel Kern (USFS/Early Career Section)
Daniel B. Stover, Ph.D.
Program Manager, Terrestrial Ecosystem Sciences

Office of Biological and Environmental Research
Climate and Environmental Sciences Division
SC-23.1 / Germantown Building
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C.  20585
Tel: 301-903-0289

BER advances world-class biological and environmental research programs and 
scientific facilities for DOE missions in energy, environment, and basic 

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