The deadline for this post doc position has been extended to August 4.

We are looking for a post doctoral researcher to work with our sDiv 
working group on global soil biodiversity, for two years starting in 
October 2016. Please see for more 
information about the working group.

The German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) is one of 
the four National Research Centres funded by the German Research 
Foundation (DFG). Its central mission is to promote theory-driven 
synthesis and experiments and data-driven theory in this emerging field. 
The concept of iDiv encompasses detection and quantification of 
biodiversity, understanding its existence and emergence, exploring its 
consequences for ecosystem functions and services, and developing new 
strategies to safeguard biodiversity. Under one roof, 85 scientists and 
45 support staff, associated with eight new chair professor positions, 
three junior research groups and central services (IT, eco- and 
bioinformatics, mechanics workshop, greenhouses) will collaborate in a 
highly integrated environment.

iDiv is located in the city of Leipzig and jointly hosted by the Martin 
Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), the Friedrich Schiller 
University Jena (FSU) and the Leipzig University (UL). It is supported 
by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), the Max Planck 
Society, the Leibniz Association and the Free State of Saxony.

Salary: Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L

- syntheses and meta-analyses
- set-up and management of a soil biodiversity database
- organisation of international workshops
- PhD in biology or bioinformatics
- experience in assembling and handling large datasets and with 
spatial/macroecological analyses
- experience in performing meta-analyses and syntheses
- very good knowledge of statistical modelling in R
- scientific background in ecology/soil ecology
- expertise in chairing scientific discussions and good skills of 
presenting scientific results
- expertise in writing and leading multi-authored papers
- enthusiasm in processing large datasets
- team spirit
- very good spoken and written English skills

To apply, email a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, two representative 
publications, the names and contact information for three references and 
PhD, MA/BA/Diploma certificates to: All 
applications should be written in English and be sent in a single PDF 
file with reference file number (123/2016) in the subject line.

Applications are accepted until 08/04/2016 (Extension of time).

We prefer applications in electronic form (hard copy applications can be 
sent to German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research - iDiv; 
Katrin Penner; Deutscher Platz 5e; 04103 Leipzig). For queries on the 
application process, please contact Prof. Dr. Nico Eisenhauer 

Applying via email is questionable under data protection law. The sender 
assumes full responsibility.
Severely disabled persons are encouraged to apply and will be given 
preference in the case of equal suitability.

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