Save the date! The first Stan conference is going to be in NYC this January.
Registration will open at the end of September.

Stan is a probabilistic programming language that allows (among other
things) full Bayesian statistical inference with MCMC sampling (NUTS, HMC),
full Bayesian statistical inference with MCMC sampling (NUTS, HMC), and
penalized maximum likelihood estimation with optimization (L-BFGS). You can
use with R, Python, Julia and more.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Davis Auditorium, Columbia University

530 West 120th Street

4th floor (campus level), room 412

New York, NY 10027

Registration will open at the end of September.

Early registration (on or before December 20, 2016):

Student: $50
Academic: $100
Industry: $200
This will include coffee, lunch, and some swag.

Late Registration (December 21, 2016 and on):

Student: $75
Academic: $150
Industry: $300
This will include coffee and lunch. 

Contributed talks:
We’re looking for contributed talks. We will start accepting submissions at
the end of September.

The contributed talks at StanCon will be based on interactive,
self-contained notebooks, such as knitr or Jupyter, that will also take the
place of proceedings. For example, you might demonstrate a novel modeling
technique or a simplified version of a novel application. Each submission
should include the notebook and separate files containing the Stan program,
data, initializations if used, and a permissive license for everything such
as CC BY 4.0.

More info here: or feel free to send
me an email with any questions.


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