The Meek Lab at Michigan State University is looking for a highly motivated 
postdoctoral scholar to study the genomic basis for thermal tolerance and local 
adaptation in brook trout of the Northeast US. The lab uses field collections 
and experiments, combined with next-generation sequencing data, to address 
fundamental ecological questions that are highly relevant to the conservation 
and management of species. The project that will be the focus of this post-doc 
aims to address two questions, using brook trout as a model system:

     1.     Are there differences in gene expression patterns among fish from 
populations with different thermal histories?

     2.     Are there regions of the genome associated with differences in 
susceptibility and phenotypic response to thermal stress?

We will be using this information to develop an approach for assessing the 
genetic diversity associated with thermal adaptation in other brook trout 
populations. The information gained from this study will be invaluable for 
understanding the molecular basis for local adaptation and its relation to 
climate change resiliency planning, and in designing management actions that 
sustain brook trout into the future.

The initial hire is for one year, with potential for an additional year of 
funding upon satisfactory review of progress. The position will be based in the 
Department of Integrative Biology at Michigan State University. Start date is 
negotiable, but the ideal is winter or spring 2017.


Applicants should have a PhD in ecology, evolution, genetics, bioinformatics, 
or related fields. We are looking for a creative and talented scientist with a 
good publication record and excellent organizational and communication skills. 
We are especially interested in candidates with a strong computational 
background and previous experience with next-generation sequencing data 
analysis. Experience working in the Unix environment is essential and 
familiarity with one or several programming languages is highly desirable.

*How to apply*

Application review will begin November 15. Please feel free to email before 
applying to start a conversation. Interested candidates should email Mariah 
Meek ( <>) with the following: 

0)”Prospective postdoc” in the email subject

1) Brief cover letter describing research interests and motivation

2) CV

3) Names and email addresses for 3 references

4) 2-3 published papers or manuscripts in preparation
Mariah Meek, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Integrative Biology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI <>

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