Lab Technician in Conservation Genomics Lab

 The Meek Lab at Michigan State University is looking to hire a highly 
motivated lab technician. The lab uses field collections and experiments, 
combined with next-generation sequencing data, to address fundamental 
ecological questions that are highly relevant to the conservation and 
management of species. We primarily work in aquatic systems. We are looking for 
an enthusiastic and responsible individual to join our team. This will be a 
full time position. Primary duties will include:

      1.     Conducting molecular lab work, such as sample processing, DNA and 
RNA extractions, PCR, and preparing sequencing libraries

      2.     Ordering equipment and supplies for the lab

      3.     Lab supply and equipment maintenance and organization

      4.     Creating and curating a database to organize lab samples

      5.     Training and coordinating lab work of fellow lab members and 
visiting scholars

      6.     Conducting literature reviews on various topics related to 
conservation, genetics, fisheries, ecology, and evolution

      7.     Maintaining lab web site

      8.     Assisting with field work, as needed 


Applicants should have a Bachelors of Science in ecology, evolution, genetics, 
or related field, with a preference given to those with a Master’s degree. 
Applicants should also have extensive experience conducting molecular lab work, 
including DNA extractions and PCR. 

*How to apply*

Application review will begin November 15. Please feel free to email before 
applying to start a conversation. Interested candidates should read about the 
work we do at <> and email Mariah Meek 
( <>) with the following:

0)”Prospective lab tech” in the email subject

1) Brief cover letter describing research and lab work experience and career 

2) CV

3) Names and email addresses for 3 references

Mariah Meek, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Integrative Biology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI <>

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