Registration for the Spring AERS Meeting is now open! Please visit to register and/or submit your abstract. The 
deadline for early registration, abstracts, and student travel applications is 
February 24, 2017

 The meeting will be held March 16-18 at St. Mary's College in St. Marys City, 

This is a lengthy email, but please read all of it - many of the meeting 
details are provided and on the web: . 

Our theme will be "Continuing Science in the Face of Change." We'll likely 
touch on several policy issues in addition to the typically strong scientific 
program. The meeting will also likely include some workshops, local field 
trips, and maybe even a local oyster and beer event! The venue will be the 
campus of St. Mary's College, and at a time when students are on break..

Confirmed Keynote Speakers: 
* Kenny Rose
* Beth McGee

The deadline for early registration, abstracts, and student travel applications 
will be February 24, 2017

Student Judging:
We need volunteers for student judging! Please let CJ Schlick know of your interest! 

Optional Dress Code:
Astute AERSians will note that this is the weekend of St. Patrick's Day, so 
maybe bring your Ulva colored hats and attire!

NEW!! AERS T-Shirt Contest
Have an awesome idea for an AERS t-shirt design? Submit your design(s) to 
Spencer Tassone,, by February 10, 2017 for your chance to have 
your design printed on AERS shirts for the upcoming Spring 2017 meeting. If 
your design is chosen you will win a free shirt and a year long membership to 
Suggested design app:

Student Endowment Fund
Please consider making a contribution to the AERS Endowment Fund. The Fund is 
used to help cover student expenses for travel to AERS and CERF meetings and 
provide for student presentation awards. Your contribution will help to nurture 
our future estuarine and coastal scientists. Your support is appreciated!

Venue Information:
7645 College Drive
St. Mary's City, MD, 20686-3001

Lodging Information:
We have arranged a meeting hotel with discount rates (18% off!) for AERS 
attendees. Please stay here if you can. 
Hampton Inn
22211 Three Notch Rd, 
Lexington Park, MD 20653
(301) 863-3200
25 King Rooms--$89/night
15 Double Rooms--$94/night

We are currently looking for sponsors! Sponsorship helps provide support for 
students to attend, as well as keeping registration costs as reasonable as 
possible for all attendees. 

Benefits of Sponsorship

Full Sponsor: $500 and above. Name and Logo on announcements, program book, 
meeting website, and meeting screen between talks. Also, a banner display is 
permitted if you have one. 

Supporting Sponsor: $250 to $499. Name on announcements, program book, meeting 
website, and meeting screen between talks. 

Contributing Sponsor: Up to $250. Name in program book and website.

If you are interested in sponsoring this AERS meeting please contact AERS 
President Danielle Kreeger or Treasurer Jessie Jarvis to discuss the details of 
your sponsorship. Sponsor payments can also be made online at 

Thank you:
Thanks to Treda Grayson, Kristy Lewis and Cassie Gurbisz for handling local 
arrangements. These folks, along with program committee co-chairs Ben Fertig 
and Angela Padeletti, are alreadying lining up some great invited speakers. 
Please send any program suggestions to or

And thank you for reading all the way down to the bottom!

Ben Fertig and Angela Padeletti, 
AERS Program Co-Chairs

Reply via email to