Hello colleagues:

I am looking for a postdoc to work on analysis of patterns of foliar traits 
derived from imaging spectroscopy.  The skills to fill the position are 
pretty wide open -- it need not be a "hyperspectral" specialist, but experience 
with remote sensing data is needed. Basically, we are looking to 
start doing syntheses across data from a number of past or current imaging 
spectroscopy studies using AVIRIS, AVIRIS-NG, Neon and other 
data.  Candidates who are interested in the ecological focus are encouraged, 
although I am open to a wide range of candidates with strong 
quantitative skills.  Please pass this along to anyone whom you think might be 
interested, or let me know if you have possible candidates.

Thanks much,
Phil Townsend, University of Wisconsin-Madison 

Post-Doctoral Position - Spatial Patterns in Vegetation Traits and Foliar 
Function / Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

The Townsend Lab (http://labs.russell.wisc.edu/townsend/) at the University of 
Wisconsin-Madison is seeking a post-doc interested in the study 
of patterns of foliar traits as derived from imaging spectroscopy 
(hyperspectral remote sensing). Over the last several years, our group has been 
using field data and hyperspectral imagery to map foliar 
biochemical/physiological traits, such as nitrogen, leaf mass per area, 
pigments, in a 
range of ecosystems for several projects. We are now interested in synthesizing 
some of these data from many locations to better understand 
generalities in the hyperspectral data as well as in ecological relationships.  
This work will be collaborative, and work with data from multiple 
sensors.  The position requires strong quantitative skills (R and/or Python are 
our primary tools), experience with remote sensing data, and a 
background in ecology or environmental sciences. Studies to be synthesized 
include data from forests, grasslands, and agro-ecosystems in the 
eastern US, at NEON domains, on the Indian subcontinent, and in California as 
part of NASA’s HyspIRI airborne project.

The responsibilities of the post-doc include:
- Collaboration with Townsend Lab team members and our collaborators to 
develop, validate and compare vegetation trait models from imaging 
spectroscopy data
- Synthesis of biochemical/physiological trait maps and trait models across 
multiple ecosystem types
- Testing new quantitative methods for mapping traits and analyzing their 
- Analysis of ecological patterns from trait maps derived across many sites and 
- Contribute to and write papers based on the analyses.

Prospective candidates should have:
- A Ph.D. in-hand in geography, biology/ecology, ecosystem or environmental 
science, or a related discipline,
- Experience with remote sensing data and its analysis, and
- Strong statistical background, and preferably related experience programming 
in R or Python.

Applicants must have excellent English writing and verbal communication skills, 
as well as the ability to work and lead a research team, are 

The start date for the position is September or October, 2017, but is flexible 
and can be sooner.  The position is available for two years, pending 
satisfactory performance. Further years are contingent on funding. 

University, Department, Labs:
The University of Wisconsin-Madison is one of the major research universities 
in the United States (www.wisc.edu). It ranks 2nd in research 
expenditures among all U.S. universities and first among public universities. 
Total student enrollment is 41,500, out of which 8,800 are graduate 
students.  Employees include 2,000 faculty. UW-Madison has a long history of 
excellence in ecology, conservation biology, and wildlife biology 
(www.ecology.wisc.edu).  The Townsend Lab maintains state-of-the-art facilities 
for remote sensing research, including computation power, as 
well as a broad range of field spectrometers, two imaging spectrometers, 
calibration equipment, and ecosystem measurement instrumentation.
Madison, Wisconsin consistently ranks as one of the best places in the United 
States to live, work, and study.  It is Wisconsin's capital city, with 
a vibrant metropolitan population of approximately 500,000 that combines small 
town charm with a nice variety of leisure and cultural 
opportunities.  For more information on campus and town see: 
Application Process:
Applications will be reviewed upon receipt and review will continue until a 
suitable candidate is chosen. Applications received before September 
1, 2016 will be given full consideration.  The University of Wisconsin-Madison 
is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.  We promote 
excellence through diversity and encourage all qualified individuals to apply.  
The position is open to both US citizen and international 
Interested applicants are asked to e-mail the documents listed below to Dr. 
Phil Townsend. Please send the documents compiled together in 
ONE PDF named YourSurname.pdf with “Foliar Traits Postdoc Application 2017” in 
the email subject line.
- Letter outlining research interests, academic and professional background
- Resume or CV
- Copies of transcripts (unofficial copies are acceptable)
- Names and contact addresses of three references
Questions should be directed to Dr. Phil Townsend (ptowns...@wisc.edu).


Phil Townsend, Professor
Department of Forest & Wildlife Ecology
University of Wisconsin

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