I started the ECOLOG-L list in 1992. Its membership has grown a lot since then, and last week went over 18,000 subscribers, from at least 60 countries. Thanks again to the University of Maryland for hosting the list, which as you can imagine generates a lot of e-mail messages.  A few reminders:

You can set your subscription to a daily digest option

        Send the message set ecolog-l digest, to lists...@listserv.umd.edu

You can review or search past messages at the list archive


You can unsubscribe from the list by sending the message

        signoff ecolog-l, to lists...@listserv.umd.edu

You can send posts (no attached files, plain text only) to the list by addressing them to

        ecolog-l@listserv.umd.edu; you'll be asked to confirm your post, and then it comes to me for approval.

If there's a problem, even temporary, with delivery to your subscribed address, your subscription may be automatically deleted.  You can resubscribe:

        Send the message sub ecolog-l Your Name, to lists...@listserv.umd.edu

David Inouye, list owner and moderator

Dr. David W. Inouye
Professor Emeritus
Department of Biology
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-4415

Principal Investigator
Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
PO Box 519
Crested Butte, CO 81224

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