The Behavioral and Community Ecology, Conservation Biology Group at Guangxi
University (Nanning, China; is excited
to offer opportunities for three-year MSc or PhD projects in conservation
biology and related fields. Our faculties’ expertise and research interests
(see summaries below) cover a variety of topics in animal behavior,
ecotoxicology, landscape ecology, natural resource management, and urban
ecology. This year we are particularly interested in recruiting students
who are interested in conservation biology and would like to work on one of
the projects offered by Associate Prof. Christos Mammides.

The degrees are granted through our International Training Program, and
academic work is in English. Students apply with a March 31 2018 deadline
to the China Government Scholarship (CGS) program, as well as to the
College of Forestry; CGS provides waivers of tuition and housing fees, and
a monthly stipend. In the first year, students take courses in basic
Chinese language and in Chinese culture. In addition, courses in
professional classes related to ecology and evolution are required to
graduate (4 for PhD, 7 for MSc), as well as successful completion of the
thesis project.

Applicants are required to have their previous degree completely finished
at the time of application. Applicants with a proven track record of
successful publication in peer-reviewed journals, or advanced quantitative
or programming skills, will have an advantage. We hope that candidates will
explore the research interests, summarized below, and then begin to think
about possible projects. Interested applicants should contact Dr. Mammides,
attaching a CV, a short project proposal (<750 words), and the e-mail
addresses of three references. Review of the applications will start

*Information on our research faculties’ expertise and interests*

Prof. Eben Goodale ( has worked on a range of
projects from the acoustic behavior of birds, to community ecology and
species interactions, to issues of conservation biology.

Associate Prof. Aiwu Jiang ( has extensive experience
studying the birds of Guangxi. He is working on projects involving the
breeding ecology of birds in limestone regions, and also the effects of
toxins on breeding.

Associate Prof. Christos Mammides ( is a quantitative
conservation biologist interested in studying the mechanisms by which
anthropogenic activities affect biodiversity, and in exploring the
socio-economic factors that drive those activities. Dr. Mammides is also
interested in quantifying the effectiveness of the various types of
protected areas, and in assessing the effects of those areas on local
peoples’ livelihoods.

*Information about the College of Forestry at Guangxi University (GXU)*

The College of Forestry at GXU is one of China’s largest forestry schools.
The International Training Program was started in 2015 as a cooperation
among several labs with both Chinese national and international
researchers. Guangxi University (>25,000 students) is located in the
subtropical city of Nanning, is part of the National 211 University Scheme
of China, and aims to become a major research hub in Southern China.
Nanning forms the natural gateway between China and South-East Asia, with
Vietnam a mere 300 km away and direct international connecting flights
available to most major cities in Asia. Housing is available on campus and
campus life is bustling with many places to eat, good sporting and
entertainment facilities, and varied student activities.

Christos Mammides | Associate Professor | Guangxi University |
College of Forestry | Nanning | Guangxi | People’s Republic of China |
530005 |

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