Dear colleagues,

We are happy to invite you to join us in a mini-symposium and short 
training course on land carbon cycle modeling, held on May 19-26, 2018 at 
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ 86011, USA. 

Students, post-docs and young scientists who want to learn carbon cycle 
modeling and modelers who want to gain simplicity in coding, diagnostic 
capability, and computational efficiency are especially welcome. We will 
talk about (1) New theories on land carbon storage dynamics; (2) Matrix 
representations of land carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles;
(3) A unified diagnostic system for full understanding of uncertainty 
sources (4) Carbon cycle data assimilation system for both flux- and pool-
based data (5) Semi-analytic spin-up for computational efficiency. 
Detailed information in available from the attachment.

Interested participants can send your application, using form to Dr. Lifen Jiang,, by February 1, 2018.

Looking forward to seeing you in Flagstaff and having fun hiking in grand 


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