Urban Nature Research Postdoc Announcement

 The Urban Nature Research Center (UNRC) at the Natural History Museum 
of Los Angeles County (NHMLA) invites applications for its 2018 

 The UNRC at NHMLA is a cutting edge, urban biodiversity research group 
that studies how species are responding to urbanization in Southern 
California. Most of our research focuses on the Greater Los Angeles 
Area, although we will consider a focus on urban faunas elsewhere. 
Ongoing research efforts examine the taxonomy, distribution, ecology, 
evolution, and behavior of native and nonnative species. Because 
traditional methods of surveying biodiversity often cannot be applied in 
highly urbanized areas, we use citizen science to crowdsource data 
collection. Currently, our citizen science projects include Reptiles and 
Amphibians of Southern California (RASCALs), Snails and Slugs Living in 
Metropolitan Environments (SLIME), the insect-oriented Biodiversity 
Science: City and Nature (BioSCAN) project, Los Angeles Spider Survey 
(LASS), and the Southern California Squirrel Survey. The UNRC is an 
outreach-oriented center that frequently communicates with the public 
and works closely with the Museum’s Citizen Science Office.

 This research position is available for two years, subject to review 
after the first year. Future announcements for this fellowship are 
expected every other year. The expected start date for 2018 is January, 
although an earlier start is possible and encouraged.

 For 2018, the UNRC is specifically looking for a postdoctoral 
researcher who will analyze urban insect diversity data accumulated 
through the BioSCAN Project over the past four years. Thus, applicants 
with experience in urban ecology, community ecology, analysis of large-
scale biodiversity datasets, and/or entomology are especially encouraged 
to apply.                                                                       

Preferred candidates will be highly skilled and self-motivated 
researchers who will:

1) collaborate with Museum systematists and other involved researchers 
in the analysis of the voluminous biodiversity data from Urban Nature 
Research Center projects;

2) conduct large-scale statistical analyses using data from weather 
stations and faunal inventories;

3) collaborate with other UNRC scientists to write competitive grant 

4) help plan and implement further projects directed towards larger 
questions in urban and community ecology;

5) help guide the research goals of the UNRC;

6) be passionate about communicating science to a broad, public 


The successful applicant must be an excellent communicator, both in 
written and spoken venues, and must produce scientific research papers 
on urban nature research. Collaboration with the existing network of in-
house and affiliated specialists is required.

The mission of the Natural History Museum is to inspire wonder, 
discovery, and responsibility for our natural and cultural worlds. The 
Museum’s vision is to inspire the widest possible audience to enjoy, 
value, and become stewards of the Earth.

The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County is an Equal Opportunity 
Employer.  We seek applicants who have demonstrated experience and 
commitment working with a diverse community. Women and minorities are 
encouraged to apply.

Apply at the following web address:


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