Project overview:
The Isles of Shoals represent an exceptional location for exploring 
parasite diversity in multi-host parasite systems (particularly 
trematode parasites) that include intertidal invertebrates and 
shorebirds. Previous work at Shoals Marine Laboratory has resulted in 
interesting patterns in parasite prevalence of intermediate hosts around 
the islands, as well as influences on host foraging behavior and 
physiology. The Parasite Ecology Intern will collect parasite diversity 
data in invertebrate hosts on Appledore Island, assist with experiments 
that induce infection in intermediate hosts, and explore host behavior 
in the lab and the field. Interns will learn how to identify trematode 
parasite species using a microscope, how to induce an infection gradient 
in host crabs, set-up and run behavior and predation experiments, and 
can use what they learn from this and past work to design a related 
project. The intern will be a part of the larger SML Research Internship 
cohort and will participate in weekly discussions and lectures.

Previous coursework in ecology and marine biology is recommended. 
Previous experience at SML is preferred, but not required. Relevant SML 
courses include: Ecology & the Marine Environment, Evolution & Marine 
Diversity, Field Marine Invertebrate Biology, and the Shoals Research 

Mentor: Dr. April Blakeslee (East Carolina University)

Dates: June 4 – August 13, 2018 (10 weeks)

SML Research Symposium: August 11, 2018

Stipend: $150/week
Includes room & board for 10 weeks, and roundtrip vessel transportation 
from Portsmouth, NH to Appledore Island. Interns are responsible for 
their own transportation to/from Portsmouth, NH at the beginning and end 
of the internship.

One intern will be selected.

Please go to the following website for information on how to apply:

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