Join the American Institute of Biological Sciences for our annual
Congressional Visits Day in Washington, DC.

This event is an opportunity for scientists to meet with their members of
Congress about the importance of federal support for biological research
and education. Event participants advocate for federal funding for
biological, life, and environmental sciences research. This event works to
build support for the National Science Foundation, but also advocates for
research programs in other federal agencies.

This year's event will be held on April 17-18, 2018 in Washington, DC.
During the afternoon of April 17, individuals will participate in an
advocacy-training program that provides the information required to
effectively advocate for their science. On April 18, scientists will
participate in congressional meetings organized by AIBS with their elected

*Supplemental training program:* In addition, we are offering a one-day
short course version of the popular AIBS Communications Boot Camp for
Scientists. This eight-hour professional development program will train
scientists to translate scientific information for non-technical audiences
and to engage with the news media. The course includes formal instruction
as well as hands-on and interactive exercises. This professional
development training will begin on the afternoon of April 16 and be
completed during the morning of April 17. We are pleased to announce that
participants in the Congressional Visits Day event may register for this
training program at the reduced rate of $150.

Scientists and graduate students who are interested in communicating the
importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to
lawmakers are encouraged to participate in this important event.

Participants are responsible for their own travel costs.

Registration will close on March 4, 2018. Register at

Graduate students: Consider applying for the AIBS Emerging Public Policy
Leadership Award. Award winners receive free domestic travel for the event.

Julie Palakovich Carr
Public Policy Manager
American Institute of Biological Sciences
1201 New York Avenue, NW
Suite 420
Washington, DC 20005
202-628-1500 x225

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