The Silvio Conte O. National Wildlife Refuge, and the American Conservation 
Experience (ACE) have two 
laboratory technician opportunities - which are integral to a conservation 
program for the Puritan tiger 
beetle (PTB). This species is federally threatened and state endangered 
throughout the Connecticut 
River, and is being conserved through a complimentary program of habitat 
management and laboratory 
rearing for reintroduction. For background on this project please see:

These positions perform all day-to-day project activities, which focus on 
invertebrate husbandry 
(extensive contact with PTB), applied research techniques including data 
recording and analyses, as 
well as periodic field work for habitat-quality assessment (including 
invertebrate monitoring techniques 
& biodiversity analyses). For these tasks, interns also work cooperatively with 
other staff from: the Silvio 
O. Conte National Wildlife Refuge (NWR); the Massachusetts Natural Heritage & 
Endangered Species 
Program (NHESP), Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), 
Vermont Department of 
Fish & Wildlife, and other related agencies. 

This position is advertised, and recruited via ACE - here:

Please apply using the above link. Applications are currently being accepted, 
and actively reviewed.

Start Date: April 1, 2018
End Date:  October 27, 2018 (30 weeks from start date)
* A 30 week commitment is required *  

Location: Silvio Conte O. National Wildlife Refuge | Connecticut, 
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and 

Compensation: Housing is provided on site (Hadley, MA) with a stipend of 
$220/week, paid bi-weekly.

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