Hello ECOLOG-ers!

Struggling to make your lectures more active? We are pleased to announce our 
5th annual Conservation Teaching and Learning Studio for post-secondary 
educators. This year’s Studio will be an opportunity to learn with and from a 
diverse group of educators about scientific and active teaching techniques, and 
integrate them into your teaching practice. Finding the time to make your 
lectures more active is a challenge, but through this Studio we’ll provide the 
resources, feedback, and time to work on these teaching skills. Bring a lecture 
or lesson of your choice (or we will provide sample resources) and after a 
peer-collaboration process, you’ll leave with a ready to implement active 
teaching lesson.

Please share this email with any and all colleagues you think may be interested 
in attending this year’s event.

- The Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners

Studio theme: Walking the Walk: Implementing Active Teaching and Learning in 
the Classroom

Studio dates: June 13-15, 2018

Studio location: American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY

Application deadline: Friday April 20, 2018 at 12pm EDT

The Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners (NCEP)  convenes small 
groups of post-secondary or adult educators in intensive workshops—Conservation 
Teaching and Learning Studios—to exchange teaching strategies, train in 
evidence-based pedagogical approaches, and develop teaching resources. Our next 
Studio will take place on June 13-15  at the American Museum of Natural History 
in New York, and will focus on strategies for implementing active teaching 
techniques in the classroom.

The evidence is clear. For over three decades, research has shown that active 
teaching enhances students’ development of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes 
they need to be effective scientists and professionals. In this Studio, 
training and knowledge sharing will be focused on integrating scientific and 
evidence-based active teaching practices into your own classroom. Over two and 
a half days, you will have a chance to learn about effective tools and 
approaches from peers and investigators leading NSF-funded research on 
education, discuss challenges to teaching actively, and practice applying these 
techniques in your own lessons or curricula.

To Apply:

Educators of undergraduate or adult students are encouraged to apply online:


The application is a brief form including questions about your teaching 
experience, interest in our Studio, and a resume or CV.

The deadline for applications is April 20, 2018, at 12pm EDT. Applicants will 
be notified in early May.

Participants will be selected based on their interest in the event, their 
teaching or research focus, and possibly their career stage to ensure a 
balanced Studio event.

Additional Considerations:

Registration fee is set at $125, and includes breakfast, lunch, and access to 
all Museum exhibits.

A limited number of registration fee waivers and/or small travel grants will be 
available and will be awarded on a competitive basis.

Participants are expected to arrange their own travel and accommodation, and 
attend for the entire duration of the Studio.


Please contact NCEP at n...@amnh.org

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