CUAHSI is pleased to announce the
Hydroinformatics Innovation 

The program enables scientists to create a hydroinformatics product to be 
disseminated to the CUAHSI community.


CUAHSI is pleased to offer the Hydroinformatics Innovation Fellowship to 
support projects that will result in a hydroinformatics product to be 
disseminated to the CUAHSI community within one year of funding.

Awardees will receive up to $5,000 for eligible expenses including: travel 
costs associated with acquiring new skills, site or reverse site visits, 
software or data licenses, access to cyberinfrastructure, dissemination costs, 
and student support.

Example products include software, including apps which can be integrated into 
CUAHSI's Water Data Services<>; new data 
products of interest to the community, including data-rescue products; 
technical publications; or STEM curriculum. An example of a useful app might be 
a product which can operate on CUAHSI's Hydrologic Information 
System<> or HydroShare<> data 
resources to produce some outcome useful to the community. Successful proposals 
will likely have more than one identified outcome. Priority will be given to 
proposals that focus on leveraging or extending CUAHSI's Water Data 
Services<> or other open source and open data 

Eligibility: Graduate students, post docs, early career faculty, and scientists 
enrolled in or currently employed by a U.S. university are eligible to receive 
a Hydroinformatics Innovations Fellowship. Preference will be given to graduate 
students, post docs, and early career faculty.

The application for the Hydroinformatics Innovation Fellowship will open in 
August 2018.

For more information, visit the CUAHSI 


Questions should be submitted to Jon Pollak at<>.

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