Ph.D. Position: Drivers of ecosystem services in residential landscapes Overview: The Residential Landscape Ecology (RLE) Lab ( of Dr. Basil Iannone in the School of Forest Resources and Conservation at the University of Florida is looking for a creative and motivated Ph.D. student. The RLE (Lab) quantifies spatial ecological patterns and their drivers in and around residential landscapes, with the aim of designing future residential landscapes to be more environmentally responsible. The interests of the lab are diverse and include community and ecosystem ecology, geospatial analysis, invasion biology, ecological restoration, and soil and water science. The student would also be a member of the Sustainable Human and Ecological Development Group. Duties: The student will work with members of the UF Master Gardeners Volunteer Program to develop a sampling network throughout Florida and use data collected from this network to identify drivers of ecosystem services across varying spatial scales and socioeconomic conditions. Position includes four-years of competitive stipend, tuition waiver, and benefits. Qualifications: A master’s degree in ecology or related field, interests in applied, interdisciplinary research, and good writing skills. Experience working with citizen scientists and knowledge of GIS and statistics is beneficial. To apply: Email: (1) Cover Letter stating your research/career goals, how you would benefit from this opportunity, and your qualifications; (2) C.V.; (3) unofficial transcripts; (4) GRE scores; (5) contact information for three professional references; and (6) a writing sample (e.g., publication, thesis, etc.) on which you are the lead author to Place “Ecosystem Services” in the email subject line. Applicant review will begin immediately. Official transcripts and GRE scores, and letters of recommendation, will be required for admittance. See for information regarding the SFRC graduate program, application procedures, and deadlines.

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