Are you interested in incorporating full data analysis projects into your
classes? Do you have a CURE data set you need support analyzing and
interpreting? Apply now to join us for the fall 2018 Passion-Driven
Statistics/QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). Participants in this FMN
will plan and conduct quantitative analyses using large data sets and
research questions of their choosing. Accepted applicants will create an
educational module for their unique biology topic. While doing this, they
will participate in weekly virtual sessions, receive support for conducting
analyses on their chosen platform (i.e. SAS, R, Stata, Python or SPSS) and
collaborate with others in the network. Early career participants are
especially encouraged to apply.

We will consider study design, measurement, data management decisions,
selection and use of different analytic tools, best practices in written
presentation of results and visualization. Each participant’s experience in
the network will be individualized to her/his own interests, background and
needs. You may use the statistical platform you are comfortable with or
learn a new one!

Sessions will include discussion focused on the steps involved in data
analysis, followed by hands-on mentorship and consultation in support of
making meaningful progress in the analysis and interpretation of data sets
to support individual classroom projects and/or personal research goals.
More information on educational resources using Passion-driven Statistics
can be found here:

Applications for Fall 2018 are now open at the following link:

* Applicants must have a data set they will work with and a basic research
question already developed (e.g. choice of one independent variable and one
dependent variable).

* Participants will conduct a data-centered project of their choosing with
data from a CURE and prepare a corresponding educational module for their
* Attend 1-hr online meetings once per week for 6 weeks, September through
October; day/time of meeting will be determined by participant schedules
* Participate in review and feedback of FMN colleagues' materials
* Contribute modifications or new content for posting on QUBESHub

Benefits of participation:
* One-on-one statistical and statistics platform consulting as needed.
* Leave this FMN with a project-based research module for use in your classroom.
* Participants will be listed as authors on the material where they make
significant contributions on the QUBESHub website.

This opportunity stems from the QUBES Faculty Mentoring Fellowship program
that seeks to promote emerging and established leaders in quantitative
biology education along with their excellent teaching resources and
effective pedagogical approaches. Do you have teaching ideas or resources
that need a bigger audience? See and/or contact Jeremy
Wojdak at

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