We are currently recruiting Master’s (Bachelor’s) students to conduct the
following project(s) at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and
Inland Fisheries in Berlin:

   - *Effect of nanoplastic pollution on key aquatic species *
   - *Effect of nanoplastic pollution on the spread of disease in aquatic

A growing body of literature reports an increasing abundance of plastic
debris in aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Among plastic pollutants,
nanoplastics (size below 100 nm) are the least understood, but also
potentially the most hazardous component. We welcome students to *design,
conduct and analyze innovative experimental laboratory assays*, to study
the effects of nanoplastic particles on key phytoplankton and/or
zooplankton species (including toxic cyanobacteria posing a hazard to water
quality). Alternatively, the student could study how nanoplastics affect
the spread of disease in aquatic environments; exposure to nanoplastics may
influence the susceptibility of aquatic hosts to pathogens.

We also welcome applications of proactive students who are willing to
formulate their own novel research questions under our guidance, and to
develop their own project in other research areas. These might include, for
example, *experimental evolution*, biodiversity studies (using *modern
DNA-sequencing methods*), or the effects of *climate change* on the
functioning of aquatic ecosystems. If you are interested, please get in
touch to discuss your ideas with us.

What do we offer? An inspiring atmosphere in an international research
group (our group currently has nine members of seven different
nationalities).  We will provide you with a proper level of guidance and
supervision during your project, as well as space for autonomous work. We
offer a real research experience which will help you in your future career
inside or outside of academia
For more information visit (
or contact Prof. Justyna Wolinska (wolin...@igb-berlin.de)

Ramsy Agha

Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)
Department II (Ecosystem Research)
Mueggelseedamm 301
12587 Berlin, Germany

Personal Profile: http://bit.ly/2hj3xeK <http://bit.ly/2hj3xeK>
Current research: http://bit.ly/2whmz82 <http://bit.ly/2whmz82>

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