Greetings from the Urban and Anthropogenic Soils Division (UASD) of the 
Soil Science Society of America (SSSA). 
I hope your summer is going well and that you are looking forward to the 
2018-2019 International Soils Meeting, January 6-9, 2019, in San Diego, 
CA. The theme of the Meeting is “Soils Across Latitudes”. Following is 
some important information:
If you are planning on attending the meeting, please make note of the 
following deadlines:
Below are several FAQ that you might want to review and share with your 
students who will be attending the Meeting for the first time:
•       Poster and Oral Presentation Tips 
•       Abstract Regulations
•       Tips for Writing an Abstract


SSSA Society-Wide Graduate Student Competition Announced! SSSA will be 
hosting the inaugural Society-wide graduate student competition at the 
2019 SSSA International Soils Meeting in San Diego (theme: Soils Across 
Latitudes). The competition is being developed by the SSSA Student/Early 
Career Annual Meeting task force and is full-supported by the SSSA Program 
Planning Committee. This Society-wide competition will give our students 
the opportunity to showcase their work to the broader soils community. 
This competition will be tournament style, where the top winner from each 
division's traditional contests will then go on to compete in a head-to-
head 5 minute rapid oral session and then poster session. Eligible 
students are undergraduates, grad students, and if the division choses, 
could include postdocs with no more than one-year post doc (and must 
present on their doctoral research). 

Each division will select their top student in whichever manner best fits 
their program – traditional oral/poster, rapid fire oral/poster, etc. but 
selected students will be presenting in the conference-wide contest with a 
5 minute rapid fire oral and a poster (so should be prepared as such). We 
anticipate that each division will need to submit their top student’s name 
by the end of the sessions on Tuesday and that the Society-wide 
competition will take place on Wednesday. This contest will showcase each 
division’s top student – going head to head with other students. As such, 
there will be significant prizes! 

First Place: $1000 plus a 2018 San Antonio Meeting Registration (value of 
Second Place: $750 
Third Place: $500 
All of the participants in this competition will receive recognition in 
CSA News and certificates.
UASD is co-sponsoring a pre-meeting field trip with the Forest, Range and 
Wildland Soils Division on Sunday January 6 to examine wildland fire 
effects on soils and watersheds. Thanks to Chuck Rhoades (FRWSD) and our 
own Maxine Levin for organizing the trip.  
“Prior to the 2017 Thomas Fire, the 2003 Cedar Fire which burned 273,250 
acres east of San Diego, was the largest and most destructive wildfire in 
California history. Both fires exposed the vulnerabilities of population 
growth into the wildland urban interface (WUI).  However, the Cedar Fire 
was pivotal because it occurred when management and understanding of WUI 
vulnerabilities was fairly poor. For example, the Cedar Fire generated the 
first large-scale study of hydromulch as an erosion management treatment 
and the first evaluation of remote sensing to rapidly assess soil thermal 
damage. It also spurred development of hazardous fuels management aimed at 
reducing wildfire intensity and rebalancing western ecosystems. This tour 
highlights the growth of knowledge since the Cedar Fire and how scientific 
understanding is operationalized in the era of WUI fire ecology. The field 
tour will consist of 4 stops on the Cleveland National Forest near Mt 
Laguna at sites impacted by the Cedar Fire and other fires.  US Forest 
Service, NRCS and State of California managers and scientists will serve 
as hosts. Throughout the day we will discuss 1) post-fire erosion and soil 
geomorphology and rehabilitation treatments, 2) Initiatives to refine 
post-fire hydrophobicity measurements and debris flow risk mapping, and 3) 
fuel management in WUI forests and efforts to monitor soil effects.  We 
will observe soil pits at most locations (including two “anthrosols”) and 
discuss soil taxonomy and fire ecology of California’s southern coastal 
chaparral and oak woodlands. The trip will feature an ARCGIS storymap 
containing soil maps and soil profile descriptions, research publications 
and field trip presentations accessible from attendee’s hand-held devices. 
Field trip fees will include snacks, lunch, drinks and tour materials.  
All tour stops are within 1 hour of downtown San Diego and will be 
accessible with limited, easy walking on uneven terrain.”
1.      CROSS-DIVISONAL SYMPOSIUM: “Geoarchaeology and Ancient 
Anthropogenic Soils”
Dr. Matt Ricker (NCSU) has organized an exciting cross-divisional 
symposium and related session, “Geoarchaeology and Ancient Anthropogenic 
Soils”. The symposium will feature four invited speakers who research 
various aspects of the intersection of soils and geoarchaeology:
•       T.R. Kidder - Washington University in St. Louis (North America)
•       Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach - University of Texas, Austin (Maya Region)
•       Timothy Beach - University of Texas, Austin (Maya Region)
•       John Walker - University of Central Florida (Amazon Basin)
2.      SESSION: “Geoarchaeology and Ancient Anthropogenic Soils”
Following the symposium, there will be oral and poster sessions devoted to 
geoarchaeology and ancient anthropogenic soils. These will include the 5-
minute rapid oral and poster sessions, as well as the graduate student 
3.       SESSION: “Interdisciplinary Research: What Works and What Does 
Anthony R. Tricarico, University of South Florida, Department of 
Anthropology, and Dr. John Obrycki (ORISE Fellow, USDA-ARS) have organized 
this session. Co-sponsors include Pedology, Soil Chemistry, Soil Physics 
and Hydrology, Soil and Water Management and Conservation Divisions; and 
SSSA Committee S205.1, Council on the History, Philosophy, and Sociology 
of Soil Science.
“This session seeks to incorporate a wide range of disciplines bringing 
together practitioners who have developed effective means of 
interdisciplinary practice. The purpose of this session is to examine the 
history and future of interdisciplinary research that utilizes soil 
science methods and theories in cross-discipline, applied research 
projects. Some topics that would be of interest to this session are: 
participatory approaches to interdisciplinary soils research, applied 
soils research, the promotion of community engagement in interdisciplinary 
soils research, the best practices for fostering collaborations among 
different disciplines, and/or the incorporation of mixed methods 
approaches. We especially encourage presenters who can discuss how and why 
their interdisciplinary projects were successful, while offering lessons 
for avoiding project setbacks. Participants need not have an active 
research project if they can speak to a past cross-disciplinary project. 
This session encourages submissions from all soil societies (USA, Canada, 
Mexico) and also from researchers and practitioners from outside our 
current membership.”
4.      SESSION: “Urban and Anthropogenic Soils General Oral and Poster 
This day-long general session is for anyone who is engaged in any aspect 
of urban and anthropogenic soils. This session will include the 5-minute 
rapid oral and poster presentations, as well as the graduate student 
5.      UASD Business Meeting
We will discuss planning our agenda for the 2018 meeting in San Antonio 
and other things that might be on your mind.
Please contact James Montgomery ( if you have any 
questions. I look forward to seeing everyone in sunny San Diego in January 
Best wishes,
Dr. James Montgomery (Chair, UASD)
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Science and Studies
DePaul University
1110 West Belden Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614
Tel: 773-325-2771

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