Postdoc: Assessing the sensitivity of semiarid ecosystems to hydroclimatic 

We seek a Postdoctoral Research Associate to study semiarid ecosystem response 
to hydroclimatic variability. Research activities will include substantial 
ecophysiological field work and opportunities for linking site-based 
observations to cutting-edge remote sensing and modeling techniques.  The 
position will be jointly advised by Joel 
Biederman<>, Research 
Hydrologist at the Southwest Watershed Research 
 and Bill Smith<>, Assistant 
Professor in The School of Natural Resources and the Environment.

The researcher will lead the design and implementation of a field experiment 
using rainfall manipulation shelters to simulate future climate.  Response 
variables to be measured include soil hydrology, ecosystem structure, 
productivity, and gas exchange of CO2 and water vapor at the leaf- and 
plot-levels.  This experiment will serve as a test bed for development of 
sensors and methods to remotely sense ecosystem function under variable climate 
conditions, especially drought, including NDVI, EVI, PRI, thermal, and 
sun-induced fluorescence (SiF). Beyond the primary focus, collaborative 
opportunities will be encouraged to integrate field and remote sensing data 
across a collaborative network of ecosystem research sites in the Western US 
and Mexico.

Research will be conducted in one or both of Southeast Arizona’s long-term 
hydro-ecological research sites: the Santa Rita Experimental 
Range<> and the Walnut Gulch Experimental 
Watershed<>.  The postdoc 
will have the opportunity to work closely with a diversity of top research labs 
at the University of Arizona, including the Arizona Remote Sensing 
Center<>, Terrestrial Vegetation and 
Climate Lab<>, Terrestrial Ecology 
Lab<>, and Laboratory of Tree Ring 
Research<>.  Initial funding is in place for 18 months, 
with strong potential for renewal, depending upon satisfactory performance.

Required Qualifications:

  *   Candidates must have earned their Ph.D. by 01/01/2019.
  *   Demonstrated experience in ecosystem science or ecohydrology and a broad 
perspective on ecosystem processes and climate feedbacks.
  *   Experience with field work, measurements and sensors.
  *   Peer-reviewed publication record appropriate to career stage.

Desired Qualifications:

  *   Ability to collaborate with an interdisciplinary team.
  *   Organizational and communication skills (both oral and written).
  *   Prior experience with spatiotemporal data and geospatial analysis using 
R, Python, MATLAB and/or other computer programming languages
  *   A proven publication record in peer-reviewed scientific journals and a 
demonstrated high level of productivity.

The postdoc will be hosted jointly in the state-of-the-art Environment and 
Natural Resources 2 building<> at the 
University of Arizona and at the Southwest Watershed Research Center, where 
completion of a new research building is anticipated during 2019.   Tucson is a 
unique, diverse and fun-filled university town. This mid-sized city strikes an 
excellent balance between outdoor and urban opportunities.  Tucson is 
surrounded by forested sky island mountains and  a diversity of unique desert 
ecosystems. As such, it is an outdoor enthusiast’s dream town (cycling, hiking, 
running, climbing, etc.). Meanwhile, city enthusiasts will find ample choices 
for multi-cultural 
 public events, live music and 

To apply, please 1) contact Joel Biederman 
(<>); and 2) apply 
through the University of Arizona UACAREERS web portal: Applications should consist of a full 
curriculum vitae, a 1-page cover letter outlining the candidate’s suitability 
for the job (including both prior experience and future research interest), a 
pdf-file of one publication, and the contact information for three references. 
Initial review of applications will begin November 1, 2018 and continue until 
the position is filled.

Thank you,
Bill Smith

Assistant Professor,
Earth Dynamics Observatory,
School of Natural Resources and the Environment,
N417 Environment & Natural Resources 2,
University of Arizona
Phone: (520) 621-1056
Skype: wkolby | Twitter: @wkolby<>

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