Biodiversity, pollination and biological pest control in Malawian farmland 

Background: Farming practices in sub-Saharan Africa are often linked with high 
rates of soil erosion, decreasing soil quality, and increasing use of 
agrochemicals that have negative impacts on humans and the environment. 
Concomitantly, land use change threatens regional biodiversity and ecosystem 
services, such as pollination and biocontrol, upon which farmers depend. 
Ecological intensification combined with farmer-led participatory education can 
have positive impacts on food security, nutrition, and soil health as well as 
biodiversity and ecosystem services in sub-Saharan Africa. In the BiodivERsA 
project FARMS4Biodiversity an interdisciplinary team will conduct research in 
northern Malawi. In a paired design the implementation of local diversification 
measurements will be studied in 50 farms along a gradient in landscape 
complexity to explore how agroecological practices and land use impact 
biodiversity (bees, birds, and natural enemies), pollination, pest control, and 
crop yields.
Requirements: We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student with strong 
interest and expertise in insect ecology, tropical ecology or agroecology. 
Applicants should have a MSc. or Diploma degree in ecology or related 
disciplines and skills in several of the following areas: experimental field 
research (e.g. plant-insect interactions, pollination and/or pest control), 
practical skills in insect identification, use of GIS and statistical data 
analysis (preferably in R), and scientific writing in English. A driver license 
and very good language skills in English are required. The candidate is 
expected to work both individually and in team and to be able to integrate into 
an interdisciplinary and international project with field work in Malawi. The 
PhD position will be located in the Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical 
Biology ( at University of 
Würzburg. For further information please contact: 
Prof. Dr. Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, University of Würzburg 
( and 
Prof. Dr. Katja Poveda, Cornell University (

Salary and conditions: Salary and benefits are according to public service 
positions in Germany (E13 TV-L, 65%). Start date: 1st February 2019. The 
planned duration of the project is three years. We offer the membership in an 
international research team, modern facilities and a structured graduate 
training program. Würzburg University is an equal opportunities employer and 
places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. 
Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply. Disabled persons 
with equivalent aptitude will be favored.
Applications: Please send your application as one single pdf file per email to latest until 3 December 2018. Applications 
should include a cover letter, a short summary of research interests, CV, 
complete certificates, and the names (with email addresses) of two potential 
referees. Interviews of invited candidates will be held from 11-13th December 

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