I am opposed to this type of advertisement. It is a commercial activity and not one that is likely to provide a high quality education or research experience. These organizations are more like tour experiences and they should not be allowed to post on this list.

Mitch Cruzan

On 1/8/2019 10:05 AM, Ian Medeiros wrote:
Advertising a program which costs $2700 as a "Research Assistantship" strikes me as disingenuous. As I've said on this list before, I'm not absolutely opposed to pay-to-participate programs being posted on ECOLOG, I just think there needs to be more truth in advertising. The definition of "assistantship" in Webster's starts with "a paid appointment..." and that is how most people would interpret the title of this post—until they see the price tag.  - Ian

On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 5:54 AM Field Projects International - Mini Watsa <ad...@primates-peru.org <mailto:ad...@primates-peru.org>> wrote:

    Overview: Tamarins are notoriously difficult to track and identify
    in the wild, because of their diminutive size and morphological
    homogeneity. In this program, we monitor a population of ~14
    tamarin groups, individually identifiable and radio-collared, to
    study their space use and means of communication.

    We collect data on adult scent gland morphology and scent-marking
    behaviour, another primary form of communication among tamarins.
    Participants will conduct full- and half-day follows of
    individually tagged primate troops, recording alarm calls and
    scent-marks alongside habitat use and feeding ecology.

    Program dates: June 3 – August 12, 2019
    Start dates: June 3, June 17, July 1
    Minimum stay required: 6 weeks
    Application deadline: April 14, 2019 for June start dates, May 14
    for July start date.
    Program fee: $2700 for 6 weeks; $450 each additional week
    Appeals to majors: Anthropology, Biology, Wildlife Management,
    Training areas: Off-trail navigation, wildlife tracking,
    telemetry, focal behavioural sampling, spatial analyses.

    Program link: https://fieldprojects.org/research/


Ian D. Medeiros

Ph.D. student
Lutzoni Lab
Department of Biology
Duke University
Durham, NC, USA

Mitch Cruzan
Professor of Biology
Portland State University
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207 USA

     Evolutionary Biology - A Plant Perspective

*/Mitchell B. Cruzan/*/
Available through all good bookshops, or direct from Oxford University Press <https://global.oup.com/academic/product/evolutionary-biology-9780190882679?cc=us&lang=en&#>/

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