Thank you Ian and Dr. Cruzan for speaking up about these posts yet again. I
am personally opposed to having these posts on Ecolog as well.

Assuming they won't stop, *I propose a new practice* of adding an obvious
tag in the subject line. E.g., "[ECOLOG-L] *(Fee program)* Research
Assistantship in..."

Additionally, it may be appropriate for the listserv moderators to
determine rules about what is appropriate on Ecolog; e.g., Ecolog may only
be used to advertise volunteer and paid positions OR it may also be used to
advertise these pay-to-play programs. Either way, an explicit determination
would streamline these discussion threads that I've seen the listserv cycle
through many times now.


On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 10:09 PM cruzan <> wrote:

> I am opposed to this type of advertisement. It is a commercial activity
> and not one that is likely to provide a high quality education or research
> experience. These organizations are more like tour experiences and they
> should not be allowed to post on this list.
> Mitch Cruzan
> On 1/8/2019 10:05 AM, Ian Medeiros wrote:
> Advertising a program which costs $2700 as a "Research Assistantship"
> strikes me as disingenuous. As I've said on this list before, I'm not
> absolutely opposed to pay-to-participate programs being posted on ECOLOG, I
> just think there needs to be more truth in advertising. The definition of
> "assistantship" in Webster's starts with "a paid appointment..." and that
> is how most people would interpret the title of this post—until they see
> the price tag.  - Ian
> On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 5:54 AM Field Projects International - Mini Watsa <
>> wrote:
>> Overview: Tamarins are notoriously difficult to track and identify in the
>> wild, because of their diminutive size and morphological homogeneity. In
>> this program, we monitor a population of ~14 tamarin groups, individually
>> identifiable and radio-collared, to study their space use and means of
>> communication.
>> We collect data on adult scent gland morphology and scent-marking
>> behaviour, another primary form of communication among tamarins.
>> Participants will conduct full- and half-day follows of individually tagged
>> primate troops, recording alarm calls and scent-marks alongside habitat use
>> and feeding ecology.
>> Program dates: June 3 – August 12, 2019
>> Start dates: June 3, June 17, July 1
>> Minimum stay required: 6 weeks
>> Application deadline: April 14, 2019 for June start dates, May 14 for
>> July start date.
>> Program fee: $2700 for 6 weeks; $450 each additional week
>> Appeals to majors: Anthropology, Biology, Wildlife Management, Psychology
>> Training areas: Off-trail navigation, wildlife tracking, telemetry, focal
>> behavioural sampling, spatial analyses.
>> Program link:
> --
> Ian D. Medeiros
> Ph.D. student
> Lutzoni Lab
> Department of Biology
> Duke University
> Durham, NC, USA
> --
> ------------------------------
> Mitch Cruzan
> Professor of Biology
> Portland State University
> PO Box 751
> Portland, OR 97207 USA
> Web:
> ------------------------------
> Evolutionary Biology - A Plant Perspective *Mitchell B. Cruzan*
> * Available through all good bookshops, or direct from Oxford University
> Press
> <>*
> ------------------------------

Ari Yamaguchi
MSc Integrative Biology
Wilfrid Laurier University '20
(c) 519-729-1736

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