Hello everyone,

Our company develops printer-application product using SH7705 CPU and likes to port eCos on that board. Now,as I previously succeeded in porting eCos on SH7709 target,I made a rash promise that it's no problem at all. But when I checked eCos source I realized that there is no SH7705 reference whatsoever.
There are not even variant definitions in cdl files.
I began to be afraid that I should be called a liar.

Anyway I must to do it ,so as a starting point, I tried to create SH7705 template. Although I have not yet inquired detail differences,roughly I followed a easy way to copy SH7709 variant definitions in several cdl files. For example I made SH7705 variants from SH7709 variants like below,and succeeded in creating SH7705 skelton template.

for example,
-- original SH7709 variants
   cdl_option CYGPKG_HAL_SH_7709S {
       display       "SH 7709S microprocessor"
       parent        CYGPKG_HAL_SH_CPU
       implements    CYGINT_HAL_SH_VARIANT
       implements    CYGINT_HAL_SH_CPG_T3
       implements    CYGINT_HAL_SH_DMA_CHANNELS
       implements    CYGINT_HAL_SH_DMA_CHANNELS
       implements    CYGINT_HAL_SH_DMA_CHANNELS
       implements    CYGINT_HAL_SH_DMA_CHANNELS
       default_value 0
       define        -file=system.h CYGPKG_HAL_SH_7709S
       description "
           The SH3 7709S microprocessor. This is an embedded part that in
           addition to the SH3 processor core has built in peripherals
           such as memory controllers, DMA controllers, A/D and D/A
           converters, serial ports and timers/counters."
       define_proc {
puts $cdl_system_header "#define CYGBLD_HAL_CPU_MODULES_H <cyg/hal/mod_7709s.h>"
-- my-concocted SH7705 variant. This is roughly simply copied from above.
   cdl_option CYGPKG_HAL_SH_7705 {
       display       "SH 7705 microprocessor"
       parent        CYGPKG_HAL_SH_CPU
       implements    CYGINT_HAL_SH_VARIANT
       implements    CYGINT_HAL_SH_CPG_T3
       implements    CYGINT_HAL_SH_DMA_CHANNELS
       implements    CYGINT_HAL_SH_DMA_CHANNELS
       implements    CYGINT_HAL_SH_DMA_CHANNELS
       implements    CYGINT_HAL_SH_DMA_CHANNELS
       default_value 1
       define        -file=system.h CYGPKG_HAL_SH_7705
       description "
           The SH3 7705 microprocessor. This is an embedded part that in
           addition to the SH3 processor core has built in peripherals
           such as memory controllers, DMA controllers, A/D and D/A
           converters, serial ports and timers/counters."
       define_proc {
puts $cdl_system_header "#define CYGBLD_HAL_CPU_MODULES_H <cyg/hal/mod_7705.h>"

But I feel strong anxiety whether it is possible to port eCos on SH7705 target.
Is there a fundamental reason it does not work on SH7705 target anyway ?
And if there are any important things to remember,would you please teach me.

m mariga

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