Back after enabling Assertion.

Last line of the assertion is:

*** ASSERT FAIL: <1> kapi.cxx [1250]
Cyg_Check_Structure_Sizes::Cyg_Check_Structure_Sizes() Size check

Seems that kernel is checking Cyg_SchedThread_Implementation class
size and as I modified it it throws error. Is it safe, if I disable
size check? Or is there any other way to overcome this problem?


On 23 January 2010 16:28, Nodir Kodirov <> wrote:
> Hi John, Fabian and all,
> > Fabian wrote:
> > ah, sorry - the first parameter is meant to be some kind of generic
> > scheduler information parameter not necessarily a static priority. I
> > should have taken a closer look into the documentation before my first
> > comment.
> Me too, I thought it to be priority. Thank you for light John! I am
> following your advice.
> Now, I added:
> typedef struct
> {
>    cyg_tick_count deadline;
>    cyg_tick_count wcet;
>    cyg_tick_count period;
> } cyg_edf_sched_info;
> typedef cyg_edf_sched_info cyg_edf_sched_info_t;
> to cyg/kernel/ktypes.h
> Next, I built eCos library and linked my application to it. Run on my
> x86 Advantech target board and it works fine.
> Next, I defined additional member variable (to be used in
> Cyg_SchedThread_Implementation class Constructor, to extract
> [deadline, wcet and period] properties from *sched_info* generic
> parameter and use it for schedule() method)
> > cyg_edf_sched_info_t *thread_edf_info;
> to Cyg_SchedThread_Implementation class, where we can define scheduler
> specific members for threads (file src/sched/edf.hxx line #252). You
> can have a look at the same place with mlqueue.hxx.
> But, there is problem.
> When I include thread_edf_info to Cyg_SchedThread_Implementation
> class, I can build my eCos library, link it my eCos application and
> port it to board. But, when I run eCos application in target board,
> application halts after thread creation. However, I didn't modify any
> place of neither Cyg_SchedThread_Implementation class constructor nor
> cyg_thread_create() function yet.
> So, my question is, can I modify Cyg_SchedThread_Implementation class
> (just adding one more class member variable)?
> Herein I have attached my simple eCos application source file also.
> Note: in my target board application halts before printf("Threads are
> created\n"); line.
> Any help is highly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Nodir.

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