Hi Nodir

Nodir Kodirov wrote:

>>    CYG_TRACE1(1, "thread_edf_info->deadline = %d\n", 
>> thread_edf_info->deadline);
>>    CYG_TRACE1(1, "thread_edf_info->wcet = %d\n", thread_edf_info->wcet);
>>    CYG_TRACE1(1, "thread_edf_info->period = %d\n", thread_edf_info->period);

[ snip ]

> Output which I give on my board is:
> *** TRACE: edf.cxx [595] <nofunc>() 'thread_edf_info->deadline = 16688624'
> *** TRACE: edf.cxx [596] <nofunc>() 'thread_edf_info->wcet = 15691760'
> *** TRACE: edf.cxx [597] <nofunc>() 'thread_edf_info->period = 15691760'
> However, according to
>>      cyg_edf_sched_info_t my_edf_info_A = {7, 11, 12};
> values should be: "deadline=7; wcet=11, period=12".

cyg_tick_count_t is a 64-bit unsigned integer. You are treating these
values as 32-bit signed (using "%d") in your CYG_TRACE() calls.

I hope this helps...

John Dallaway
eCOs maintainer

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