I work with the 214 transaction set daily, but in 3030 version. Versions
3071 and higher changed the Q5 shipment status detail segment to the AT7
segment. And the standard status codes changed from single digit to 2-digit
codes. But the principal is still the same.

The client that I work with is a manufacturing company that ships hundreds
of loads daily. They set the standard for their carriers in that they are
all to send back the same version and adhere to their specs and required
codes. They use the
E-estimated delivery date/time
AD-delivery appt date/time
A-arrival date/time
D-delivered-unloaded date/time in the Q5 segment. (your version- the AT7)
The carrier is required to send all the codes, whether they are sent all
together or split up. Just as long as all of them are sent in eventually.

We have never used the G62 segment for "shipment status" of the load, or
anything else for that matter. In my opinion the G62 date/times would be
used for something geared towards special dates on the order. For example,
in your version the G6201 code "41" is Date Invoice Created. This is not
referring the true shipment status of the load.

Also, notice how the AT7 segment loops? This is so multiple status codes can
be sent for one specific load. I don't know that using the AT7 for all
shipment statuses is industry standard, but I would think so. You can at
least compare this to other responses that you get.

And one more thing, my client does not require that their LTL carriers send
back 214's. Only truckload carriers. It has been our experience that the
nature of the LTL deliveries prohibit them from returning back the
information needed in an accurate and timely manner. It seemed to be a big
fuss for them!
Hope this helps you.

Tracy Smith
EC/EDI Consultant
Remedi Consulting Company

-----Original Message-----
From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ron Cleghorn
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2000 10:28 AM
Subject: 214 Transaction Set help

We need some help with the 214 transaction set .  We have a question
214s from our LTL carriers.  We want to track shipments through 5 points:

Spot for Load
Spot for Unload

We have specified these with the appropriate qualifiers in the G62 segment
Position 100, Loop 100.  What we have found  is that we get the status code
date within the AT7 segment instead.  In addition, between 4 carriers we are
getting 16 different Shipment Status Codes (AT701).  Does anyone know what
industry practice is for this scenario?

Any help would be appreciated.

Ron Cleghorn

Phone          215-430-9095 x7478
email          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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