Hi Stephan,
In principle you are quite right in that changes are almost the norm. In our
case in particular (electronic component supplier), it is a very volatile
environment. However, I would also say that changed statuses become more
relevant the closer the timeframe is.
Also, we generally work with the SCC-QTY-DTM group, SCC detailing the level
of commitment, ranging from a vague estimate (expect further changes) to a
firm commitment (should not change).
By way of interest, we work on an entirely different basis too - where the
customer sends us theis stock levels and production forecasts in the DELFOR,
and our task is to guarantee a stock level within a certain range (requested
in the DELFOR) at the customer site - i.e. they do not request a specific
quantity at all. This has a quite different set of implications in any case,
so much of this is really dependent on the industry and trading partner.
Michael Pokraka
Samsung Semiconductor Europe Ltd.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephan Burkhardt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


Hello Michael

Your suggestion about the QTY-qualifier is nice when you have a look at
one or two DELFOR messages. But the theory and the practice of DELFOR
messages is to give the supplier informations over a long horizon.

So you see a stream of DELFOR messages which have a lot of changes in the
forecast quantities. Then you have for almost quantities with the qualifier
And the result is that there is no more information as if you use only the

Stephan Burkhardt

debis - Services by DaimlerChrysler


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