
        I'd like to get the opinion of the Harbinger EDI/400 users regarding
the direction they are taking on Harbinger's new offering of e-Version 5.

        Will you buy it?  What are your trading partners doing? Will the
price tag on the XML affect your decision to buy/not buy?  Are you looking
at competing products?  Will the version retirement on 12-29 affect your

        My concern is that I'm using 2.11(green screen) with JDEdwards.  I
don't know how the new version will handle the conversion of my user file
defintions/logical files/maps etc.  I've seen nothing from Harbinger except
the usual marketing papers.

        Thanks for any input.  Feel free to contact me directly if you want.

Bob Scheuermann
EDI Analyst
Mentholatum Co.
716-677-2500 xt 1519

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